Guide for setting up a Cosmo Coin Masternode

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

What you need to get started:

  1. Exactly 10,000 CMOS Coins (+1 CMOS for fees)
  2. Wallet from official website
  3. PuTTY client program
  4. VPS server from Vultr (Ubuntu 16.04 x 64 $5/mo)
  5. A wee bit of tech savvy and some patience

Step 1. Local setup

Pay the collateral (make sure you have your 10,000 CMOS, +1 for fee, in your local wallet)

  • Open your Cosmos wallet and click TOOLS>DEBUG CONSOLE and enter the command "getnewaddress SOMENAME"
  • Copy the address that shows up and save it for later
  • Enable the coin control features by going to SETTINGS>OPTIONS>WALLET>ENABLE COIN CONTROL FEATURES
  • Click the Send tab and enter the wallet address for your masternode you generated earlier. The label should also automatically be filled out after you enter the address
  • Enter exactly 10,000 and click Send
  • You should see a 'payment to yourself' like transaction for the cost of the fee to send it

Get a privkey for your Masternode.

  • Go back to TOOLS>DEBUG CONSOLE and enter the command "masternode genkey"
  • Copy the address that pops up and save it for later
  • Next type "masternode outputs"
  • You should see something like this:
    "txhash" : "cab870831208890a9a3a87bcdb6cb3fb2341ad0b30eb7297dac75da7ee425667",
    "outputidx" : 0
  • All you need is the: cab870831208890a9a3a87bcdb6cb3fb2341ad0b30eb7297dac75da7ee425667 0, copy those and put it where your keeping the other masternode info. (I would suggest on a notepad document or google doc or something)

Configure local cmos.conf

  • To get there press the Windows Key
  • Type: %appdata% and press Enter
  • Open the Cosmos Core file
  • Open the cmos.conf
  • It should be empty
  • Type in:
  • Exit and Save

Close the Local Wallet and now we'll set up the VPS

Step 2. VPS setup

  • Go to Vultr and either login or create an account.
  • Go to DEPLOY SERVER after you get logged in
  • Step 1 Server Location - does not matter where
  • Step 2 Server Type - Ubuntu 16.04 x 64
  • Step 3 Server Size - $5/mo
  • Steps 4-7 are not needed
  • Click the big blue 'DEPLOY NOW' in lower right corner
  • Click on your server and in the left bottom you should see the IP address, User name, and Password
    Congrats! You just set your server up. That's all for now. Leave the web page open with that server info.

Step 3. Masternode Setup

Open your PuTTY program

  • Under 'Host Name (or IP address)', type in your server's IP address and then click OPEN
  • There will be a PuTTY Security Alert pop-up, click Yes
  • The log in will be your username from Vultr (Should be root by default), press Enter
  • Password is provided by Vultr as well. You'll have to manual type it in, or copy it and then RIGHT CLICK ONLY into PuTTY. You also won't be able to see it typed out, but press Enter
  • If it worked correctly you'll see a bunch of lines come up

Run the install script

  • After the lines pop up type in:
    cd ~ , press enter
  • Then copy the following line and RIGHT CLICK ONLY into PuTTY:
  • It will ask for your server's IP address, enter the one from Vultr, double check it, and press enter
  • Masternode Private Key (e.g. 87qZcGpnuyVXGKo6jHR1z6DRCY1fgPixwsJLxxxxxx9APhs5KJQ # THE KEY
    YOU GENERATED EARLIER): ************************************************************* , here you enter your genkey/privkey you generated earlier, copy it and the RIGHT CLICK ONLY into PuTTY, press enter
  • Install Fail2ban? [Y/n] y, press enter
  • Install UFW and configure ports? [Y/n] y, press enter
  • Let PuTTY do it's thing, and if any questions come up, press y and enter
  • After it's done it'll say 'press any key to continue', you've finished with PuTTY, leave it open, and now we'll go back to the wallet.

Step 4. Run your Masternode

Open your local wallet back up

  • You'll need to enter the follow information:
  • alias(Name) of your mn-IP address:61146-masternode genkey/privkey-collateralTXID-0 or 1
  • For example: cosmo_MN 123.345.21.22:61146 87fxEuEWhvw3Tc5PUr7Zf4gFUMUHWB7SS6jWecUAvKawYWD2SdE 5f92837db6f47583b91f0a82db983956f1baf4b506e1c1ab234721e8ff6779e6 1 (It will all be on one line)
  • Exit and Save
  • Go to TOOLS>DEBUG CONSOLE and enter the command 'masternode start-alias cosmo_MN' (Or whatever you named your MN!!), press enter
  • Should say it was successful, if not, double check your info and try again
  • Next go to the Masternode Tab and you should see the Masternode you just created there.
  • Let the wallet sync, and then click on "Start Alias" at the bottom. Should says it's successful!

You don't need to leave your wallet open to run the Masternode. You'll only need to have it open if you want to stake the rewards you get from it.
If you have any questions, or need help, please feel free to message me or find me on my social platforms. I will be creating a second guide like this, but with pictures to go along with it.



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Thanks man .. it is really helpful and easy to follow the steps ..
Good Job

Thank you! Glad it helped you out.