Which CryptoCoin to choose ???

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemit !

Post to get advices !

I am quite new in the huge crypto world, but recently I bought different cryptocoins on Bittrex, lots of Reddcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and a little bit of Einsteinium.


I keep some bitcoins for the update of 1st August, but I don't really know about others coins.


Could you tell me which one I should buy and why ? The problem on survey or site, it's they all contrated themselves.

Thanks in advance !

See you soon on steemit ;)

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It's quite hard to straight out say which is the best to buy as everyone's situation is different as well as what they achieve. But I can tell you what I would do, which is buy Doge as, for the most part, it is the most stable due to its low value. However, it is very possible to make a much higher return with the others.

Thanks that what I read, same as Reddcoin I think

First you need to decide if you are looking for a long term or short term invest.

After that I would do a research regarding the developer team, activity on social media (e.g. reddit, slack, youtube), validity of the technical concept, market cap etc.

Without going into too much detail you can have a look at Neo (former Antshares), Stratis, Library (LBC), Ripple (XRP) or Steem ;)
But there are so many good ones ... happy research :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the information, I will check all of it =)