Why should I buy crypterium now? is listed on exchange !!!!
Crypterium was listed on 01/22/2018 at coinmarketcap, follows the link, the value today is at $ 2.20:
First reason, a cryptobank proposal, an example you put your currency there, bitcoin, after that, you can use your cell phone to pay at any establishment, without paying the high bitcoin transaction fee, what you will need is only have a little crypterium and you will not pay transaction fee!
Second reason, the price is low compared to the potential of this currency, is to go to the moon!
Third reason, you do not need to use a card, just a cell phone, the currency will be converted by the local currency at the time of purchase, its huge footprint is huge, I'm sure it will be between the top 10 on the coinmarketup, and how that currency will be deflationary it will be burned with every transaction, with this is getting scarcer, and the value will go to the moon, do not miss this opportunity!
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