Dude talking about bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

So Bitcoin… Most of my friends, actually all of them, think it’s a scam, and have actually told me I’m a fucking moron, lol. And if they didn’t, they’d give me the knowing smile of “Ok, Bob…”, like I just said there was a spaceship in the yard.
All or most of them are over fifty as well so they barely have email, social media etc. Most still watch cable… I’m not saying there is anything wrong with talking about Seinfeld or Cheers, but it always amazes me about how instant the reaction is when I talk about cryptocurrency. I point out (to myself) how people used to refuse ordering online ten years ago; nowadays it’s all people do. The internet? What? Scam! Well I’m sure someone said that...
I’m in full disclosure a Canadian. Now, why am I telling you that? Well… Because if there is one thing I know about a Canadian is this: We are the most risk adverse people on the planet. If you were to tell a Canadian the land he or she is standing on and actually owns is full of gold, there is no way in hell they would develop it... Sure, get a foreign company to extract it and maybe give that guy a job, THEN go for it. Tim Horton’s? Sure! But invest in something I can’t see? Forget it, bud.
One thing I know is banks are a scam: They pay no interest and fee us to death... and that are the good ones. Most others, like Wells Fargo, literally steal our money and no one does a thing about it. Another thing I know that is a scam is income taxes: So, you tell me I work six months - a year - for the government and I don’t get a place to sleep or food to eat? Why is it I pay my credit card bill and they take three business days to clear it, however instant take out their fees? Blah blah blah...
Interest rates are at zero, or close to, and other countries are at negative interest rates. GM and Ford etc. are laying off workers like crazy, can’t sell cars with zero down and zero interest! Seems to me pension plans are distressed, cars aren’t selling, food is going up, bonds are tanking, retailers such as Sears or Toys ‘R’ Us are bought then gutted and sold off for scrap… Leads me to think there needs to be another place to put money into, and that sounds like Bitcoin. The money we use, the good old greenback, is a controlled currency. The fed, or all central banks are the actual scam as money is manipulated all day long and controlled with interest rates etc. plus there is counterfeiting…
Bitcoin is based on something called the block chain, which is not corruptible, and is based on math, and you can learn more about it on YouTube. If you decide to dip your feet into Bitcoin, I suggest you maybe go to a bitcoin ATM; I know USA is clamping down on cryptocurrency so not sure if there are any ATMs around to buy it. Another interesting fact is that there are a lot of cryptocurrencies, all of them blockchain based: there is Dash, Monero, EOS, and one I like is Veritasium which is smart contracts… That one I’m interested in a lot because gets rid of middle men.
Anyhow, buy a part of a Bitcoin, even 100$ worth, but make sure you get a hard wallet; don’t put it into an exchange. This will be clear once you start looking into cryptocurrencies... I suggest you take a look on a YouTube a channel called The Dollar Vigilante, it’s a very good show and will explain a lot about the world of cryptos, initial coin offerings (ICOs), etc. in a nutshell.
I’m not an expert on this, but my mind is open and I plan on keep educating myself for which I am planning on going to a conference on the subject very soon. I am urging everyone to look at this part of the financial world as with the internet when it started and people didn’t understand nor wanted to... I also feel the dollar or in the very least the stock market is going to crash and crash big, so one needs to look at other things better than putting money in a bank that pays no interest...Oh another thing? I like the fact that the all-seeing government can’t tell me shit where I spend my money, or how I get paid by it… Now that sounds like freedom to me! The world we live in is less free everyday… Ok now don’t listen to me, I’m just a dude talking about Bitcoin… Peace!71456120-4028-4322-BD9A-55501657568B.jpeg

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I share the same experience with many of my friends! They don't really want to hear about all this digital coin stuff. You, however, are the smart one of the bunch. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Upvoted and followed sir! Hey, are you really a chef? I clean kitchen hoods for my occupation!