June 21th Weekly Terracoin Update – Movement
We have seen some movement on people updating their masternodes! We are up to 431 of 1207 active masternodes. If you haven’t already, please update your local clients and masternodes to the latest version ( If you have updated, then you will already be getting bonus rewards because those almost 800 other masternodes haven’t updated.
If you have a client or local wallet that is lower than version and it says enabled please update because you could be on the wrong chain.
This is imperative for mining pools as well!
If you need help, feel free to ask on any of our social media sites!
Speaking of updates SixofFive updated the Mattermost server and the bridgebot! Feel free to join our Mattermost (https://mattermost.terracoin.io/login) server as that is the place where we discuss almost everything.
AbettorPin set up a new group(https://www.meetup.com/Inaugural-Terracoin-and-Altcoin-Meetup/?_cookie-check=FLDk2FkckaUCKIWx) on Meetup(https://www.meetup.com/Inaugural-Terracoin-and-Altcoin-Meetup/events/252007808/) today to help facilitate the in real life meet up we are planning. If you are interested in joining us on July 13th in Portland OR sign up for the group and the meeting! We plan on having many more meetups in the future (probably quarterly) and not just in Portland, OR, but all over the world! Thanks to AbettorPin for taking the reins on this!
We are just waiting on me to select a location for the meetup so if you have any ideas, please post in the meetup. We are thinking a relaxed bar environment.
As I mentioned last week we did a test run of a community virtual meeting which was hosted by BlockchainRelations. We are working on setting up the next one of these and anyone who wants to join the conversation can. Once we have all the details hammered out we will post the info all over!
That is all for this week. I look forward to talking with everyone in the coming virtual meeting and in real life!
One month ago, we were at 0.00001877 BTC (.1556 USD) and today we are at 0.00001244 BTC (.0826 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00001454 BTC (.0363 USD).
We are ranked 768 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $1,896,734 USD. Last week our market cap was $2,154,280 USD.
Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/terracoin/#charts
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
Mattermost (This is The Terracoin Foundation’s primary forum)
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