June 28th Weekly Terracoin Update – Released!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

This is a long weekly update, but also very important!

We are extremely pleased to announce that the new wallet, light weight Android wallet, and website have been released!

TheSin spear headed and did a massive amount of work on each of these accomplishments, so let’s go through each one!

Core Wallet version

The new wallet is version and includes in wallet GUI proposal submission, voting, and proposal viewing. It also includes the ability to get alerts when new versions of the wallet have been released. This also works on masternodes. This will help to keep the network up to date.

Knowing about updates to the wallet is immensely important because the crypto world is a fast-paced change environment that will never stop moving.

To keep a crypto-coin on the right track the network must always be updating and adapting to the changing world.
Update alerts help the less active community members know about improvements made to Terracoin and help improve the security of the network.

In wallet GUI proposals also help include as many people as possible in our decentralized governance.
Decentralized governance is extremely important to The Terracoin Foundation, which is why we made it a priority for this release.

Now, ANYONE can easily put in a proposal if they have 10 TRC and the masternode network can vote on it.
All from the wallet.

I am incredibly spoiled from testing because of the GUI proposal submission. I put in a proposal to the GUI; “Netflix and chill” for twelve minutes so that the proposal is accepted into the network then update the proposal on services.

Here are instructions on how to update your local wallet and masternode: https://wiki.terracoin.io/view/Upgrading_the_Core_Wallet


The new light weight Android wallet called TRCpay is amazing as well. It doesn’t need to sync the whole blockchain and makes multi-sig incredibly easy to use.

Multi-sig, or multi-signature, is the ability to have two or more people to sign off on a purchase before it is released.
A common use for this is to have your main local wallet securely stored in a cold wallet, while your spending cash in a multi-sig wallet.

For example, let’s say you work for a company and need permission from your boss to buy something. TRCpay lets you immediately put in the payment requests and your boss gets a notification on his phone about the requested funds, then he can approve the transactions with just a few touches on his phone.

TRCpay works on all platforms and is easy to use.

You should check it out! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.terracoin.trcpay


Tygi and TheSin have also rejuvenated the Terracoin website(https://terracoin.io/) with an extraordinary new look and they have included a ton more content that our past site was lacking!

Terracoin already had a robust infrastructure equal to Dash’s but now with these major improvements we have now stepped past Dash.

No other coin has in wallet proposals, voting, and proposal cost getting returned to the blockchain instead of being burnt.

We are at the future of crypto-currencies while working on a better way to help the world.








One month ago, we were at 0.00001777 BTC (.1262 USD) and today we are at 0.00001566 BTC (.0919 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00001409 BTC (.0357 USD).

We are ranked 720 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $2,108,492 USD. Last week our market cap was $1,909,518 USD.

Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/terracoin/#charts

Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations


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