As we get closer to the massive update for the Terracoin code base and the new website, we have started to slowly ramp up the marketing.
Our marketing goals consist of not only attracting crypto-holders but also to attract people from outside the crypto-world to Terracoin.
With that in mind we have started working with Blockchain Relations to help us reach both groups. To start they have made this amazing flipbook ( which is perfect for sharing with experienced and inexperienced crypto-users around the world. They also have put in a discovery( for the next step of their plan so if you have any comments please post!
Also, don’t forget the YouTube video(
Thanks to Blockchain Relations for the awesome help, and thanks again Grandmaster_G for the exciting video!
We are still looking for more volunteer translators for our new website. If you want to help, feel free to contact us on Mattermost(, or put in a PR on our Github(!
As time races towards the new website and code we also have been racing to get all The Terracoin Foundation mutual benefit non-profit ducks in a row. We got our EIN, which means that we can now open a bank account as The Terracoin Foundation!
We also are working on getting our DUNS so that we can release apps in iTunes with our foundation name.
These two items are important to continue to lend credibility to Terracoin and what we stand for.
I am really excited about the upcoming updates, website, marketing and the upcoming meetup on July 13th here in Portland Oregon.
If you are interested in meeting up with me and a couple of other people to discuss Terracoin and altcoins PM me on any of the social media I am on!
Lastly, there are only five days left for voting on the current proposals so get your votes in!
One month ago, we were at 0.00001940 BTC (.1596 USD) and today we are at 0.00001936 BTC (.1460 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00000898 BTC (.0225 USD).
We are ranked 715 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $3,344,540 USD. Last week our market cap was $4,020,950 USD.
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