Earned $4133 Bitcoin in less than 24 hours

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 


The better your life gets, the brighter my light gets.

Flying the most advanced spaceship in existence, it only takes me 1 second to get to any destination. My destination is NOW, and I never stop flying.

Perfect = No reasons, no questions, no care, no fear... Craig :)


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You are the king of steem

Another day at office i guess :P

Craig grant killing it !
Sans titYYYre.png

That's an awesome gain for one day Craig, congrats on the BTC haul! Trevon just earned 0.5 BTC today with BitConnect and Genesis, so you guys are continuing to get mad rewards despite the bear market. Keep smashing it my friends - seize every day and keep winning!

Bro, congratulations on your financial success man. It may not be new to you but it's new to me. To see someone doing this with crytocurrency is truly amazing. It lets me know that im not too far behind. Im getting that "slow money but sure money" with Bitconnect and gradually positioning myself with altcoins. Good job bro.

Interesting. Are you mining BTC or is this through another medium?

no mining

I was going to say, that's one hell of a rig you're running

You've always got great posts and videos so it's always interesting following your posts!

We should however focus though on upvoting the new people on introduceyourself so we can have users believe and stick around imo. But of course, the ones that are good and worth curating.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Lol and i'm happy i've just made 3 dollars in 1 hour for my introduction post :D
Seriously Good Job :D

He earned $4000 from here!? Damn am I jealous

Just followed you on faceebook as well to get your updates about this huge earning stream. Congrats for doing so good.

This comment has received a 0.19 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.


and you spent on this 200-300k USD Lol

I spent $100, 2 months ago

100$ for all your SP for get these rewards?

And it's going to snowball further and further too, this train ain't slowing down baby.

How do you do it!? Oh my god it is amazing!

That's great ! I'm happy for you and hope that it can be even more. I wish you the best.

Keep going man, you're straight killin' the flow. You got your family taken care of, you the king!

That is kinda crazy. Make a Post about how exactly you do that pls...

So nice dude! Keep it flowin'...

Awesome man! Congrats

Is this from Genesis mining?

I am so happy to see successful people here on Steemit! Don't forget to give back to the community!


Congratulations! 🍾 it's a really greta example how to work to get good money 💰

@craig-grant Your AMAZING man! You inspire me so much! I want to wish you more from everything! You deserve to be happy, because you make me and many more people inspired! I want to inspire people just like you! Thats amazing man, your amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Im very excited about your next post :)))

That's crazy! congratulations :)


congrats boss

That's awesome!! #goals

Congratulations on your earnings 👍🏻

A big congratulations, onto bigger and better Craig !

boss mode activated!

This is amazing! I want to learn!

you're an Inspiration !!!

@craig-grant Give me some by upvoting me.....lol. Congratulations boss, hard work truly pays

Craig your an inspiration. I love how you are transparent about everything and help others learn to follow in your steps

you the best

Amazing! Congratulations!

Keep up these great posts! They're motivating all of us!

What an achievement man!

I Voted You !

Those are great profits, one question is that just from mining?

none from mining

Dude, surf is up and your riding the big one :-)
But I'm just a few miles down the coast waiting for the same wave. Right on Brother !
You Inspire me

You truly are a legend my friend!!!

Wow Man...that's great! You truly are an inspiration when some of us minnows want to give up! Congrats!!! *****

That is awesome. ilIt takes me like 3 weeks to make that working as a teacher!


This is crazy..

making money while you sleep !

you gonna be a billionaire soon.

good post

very good

Incredible master @craig-grant what the hell is the secret up to get to it's size in about 24 hours ...?

So happy for your success cheers! Any may your financial bounty lead you to all things great! Godspeed Craig!

Ballin 🏀


Thanks for sharing @craig-grant! We just bought some LTC, ETH, SC and some BAT!! We are so new to crypto its not even funny! Can't wait to start learning from you!

p.s you are on my EXODUS background!

very cool :)) I hope soon you get more :))

Spread the freedom!!

I just resteem this post--------2

I'm ready to learn!

How is any of this possible.... you're killing it man

Hey Craig, how did I not know of you til now?! love your posts brother, keep them coming.

Wow that's amazing !

The way u present urself..this was always coming. All the very best..its the first timeI am seeing someone doing it from cryptocurrency ..cheers

Congratulations Sir @craig-grant. Hard work and motivation pays. I am really being motivated by posts and videos.

We the newbie are following you.

Great post! I'm so jealous! Any tips for newbie trader?

Great Job Craig, you work hard, you deserve it!

Making money is one thing, but making money with bitcoin is totally different!

Such a show off haha

Congrats though!

Wow..hope to get there someday :)

I can say just one word - Perfect! :) keep going!

care to share how?


You are the king

awesome job on becoming financially free. Looking forward to all those great videos. Keep it up!

can you explain what I am looking at? Is this you investing in steem? Then converting into bitcoin?