Using My "Shift" Bitcoin Debit/Credit Card For The First Time

in bitcoin •  9 years ago 

Does the "Shift" debit card work, if swiped as "credit"? Does it HAVE to use my pin code?

I put this exploration to the test, as I use my Shift card for the *first* time, to buy a burger, fries, water, and beer, at Burger-Fi, South Beach, Florida.

 Much love, and all the best to all of you in your crypto-endeavors!


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Thanks for sharing, I'm going to look into Shift. By the way, on the blockchain you'll be able to see how much that burger costs you when BTC hits $1000. Hope it was good!

hahahaha, that's true. Hopefully I won't feel as terrible as that dude with the first pizza purchase, or guy who lost his pre-college laptop stuffed with "useless" bitcoins :) Thanks!

Great use of a new an helpful tech. Thank you for the detailed video.

My pleasure! Thanks for the appreciation, and watch!

This is awesome! I had my doubts about it.

Thanks :) Me I was grew concerned I'd always need a pin, but nay!

You know about I got a $240 item on Amazon for $160 using bitcoin to pay (other users use their Amazon gift card balance to pay in exchange for the bitcoin - it's all automated by the website)

Where can i order this Shift Bitcoin credit card?

works only in U.S. - not availible in germany where i am from :(

I can also recommend to use XAPO credit card - it can be ordered here: - i've tested it and it works very well

I've been using my shift card for a while, love it. Get a text right away. Can move coin around from my phone. Shift + Jaxx + coinbase and of course now + #steem

Wow, thanks! I read a little about it a while ago but didn't follow up. Did your email tell you how many bitcoin you spent?

Not available in my country yet. It's a same :(

Is it available in the EU? I am a little bit confused about it...