RE: A little perspective for the panicking noobs: Bitcoin reached US dollar parity only 7 years ago

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A little perspective for the panicking noobs: Bitcoin reached US dollar parity only 7 years ago

in bitcoin •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Drutter,
I used to be a dolphin but true to my Crypto Millionaire strategy I only keep the millionth of supply of each coin so I powered down up to that point and diversified. I like the look of the dolphin better too so I haven't bothered to change it. BTW, where's the link to your Million $ prediction? ;)

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Ahhh, I hadn't heard about your millionaire strategy before. Well, I guess you were right to not be holding a lot of STEEM over the past year or so! I think it's down 96% from January.
There are a ton of links I could point you to. I didn't know you were interested! But here's a couple.

March 2013 predicting bitcoin would be worth several thousand. The comments are funny. "Shitcoins are going to zero, you're insane!"
Talking about how bitcoin could go above 1 million USD, November 2013.
A long rant, part of which talks about bitcoin and how it hit 1 cent during the MTGOX hack of 2011. I was still learning about cryptos at that point (most people hadn't hard of it yet).
One of many charts I've done, showing an example of how/when Bitcoin will hit 1 million USD. These hypothetical charts ended up predicting almost exactly what has happened.
At some point I'll get all my bitcoin material together and make a recap video. That's a lot of editing though.

Nice historic videos! I would burn them to dvd for archival purposes for proof when Youtube no longer exists (will happen eventually) Nice talking to a crypto veteran (2013). I started hearing about Bitcoin around that time but unfortunately read about it on the MSM that described it as nerd internet money that some dumb bastard used to pay for two pizzas. I remember feeling sorry for the guy who bought and delivered the pizzas for 10,000 of those worthless coins haha, turns out I was the sucker in the room. Paying attention to the clueless MSM cost me several hundred million dollars, I learned my lesson and now I always do the opposite of whatever they say so you bet I'm buying this season! Check this out for details on my indexing strategy and app:

Best regards!