Short PBS documentary on Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

PBS Posted a documentary on Blockchain technologies to their YouTube page:


Interview with Don Tapscott to discuss Blockchain technologies and how they are going to change many industries. Doesn't get into price speculation but goes more into how it's going to be a useful utility. Good short little video that you could share with friends that need an introduction to Bitcoin and other Blockchain technologies.

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Interesting post, I followed you via Steem Voter, follow back @rishherbalist

okay thank you

Good find, this was definitely more succinct than most videos I've ran across.
Thank you :)

Thank you.

Good post. I've read Don Tapscott's Blockchain Revolution book. It's definitely a good read--likely the best one on the market even though it was written in 2015. The really important thing in his book and in passing in this video is the importance of the blockchain itself.

I think most of mainstream media is captivated by the ooohs and ahhhs of the current cryptocurrency market, but not really understanding the underlying whys behind them, leading to a new generation of Jim Cramers talking garbage about cryptocurrencies they have no idea about.

Haven't had a chance to read his book yet, I'll check it out!