Putting today's crypto crash into perspective

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

I know today's down dive has been pretty gut wrenching stuff, watching the market go from $700 BN to $480 BN is pretty scary stuff.

But as veterans of the cryptospace have already pointed out and here, this magnitude of a correction is not all that uncommon so just relax... at least a little.

It's bad, but not THAT bad

Another interesting point to note is this. Suppose we went all the way back to $380 BN. That would represent a total retracing of the massive pump that started in December and ended early January this year -- roughly one month's gain. The rest of the year's gain would still be intact.

Screenshot 2018-01-16 22.37.09.png

So bear that in mind and HODL strong. Take a break from the charts and screen for a while and come back in a while.

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