How I see Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin is changing the world!
Most people just see bitcoin as a form of digital cash but it’s much more than that, bitcoin is a decentralised network that allows us all to play a fair and equally part in our worldwide financial system, most people seem the meditate advantages for themselves and how this will impact their life, but many people don’t think of the possibilities for someone in not in their position, for example in third world countries they are starting to see mass adoption of mobile phones (we’re now in a world where more people have access to a phone than clean drinking water) and that adoption is due to what a phone offers, to me and you it’s just a method of communication and more of a convinces than a necessity, but in third world countries a mobile phone is there link to family across the world, a method of sourcing business and connecting there little village to the rest of the world, now imagine what that’s like when you throw bitcoin into the equation and now it’s also a bank account, a lender, a link to the financial system and this is coming to our financial system, a system where currently 5.6 Billion of the world are completely unbanked.

I Believe that Bitcoin has established itself as the gold standard in Crypto currencies and it has what warren buffet would describe as a financial moat meaning that you could completely rebuild the financial model but you still wouldn’t take its kingdom as it has something that money can’t buy, a reputation.

In my opinion one of the main reasons bitcoin will succeed is due to the fact we are heading into an interconnected world where exports and imports become more and more of a common thing. For example apple pays over 20,000 overseas payments every month worth millions of dollars and there are millions of immigrants working abroad who send billions home to there family, and they both have to go through the same process and get charged an average of 9% for the fee to transact over seas, imagine the savings to everyone on a global scale if an intercontinental currency like bitcoin became adopted on a mass scale, this is one of the biggest use cases for bitcoin that currently exists in the market.

In my opinion Bitcoin deserves a place in everybody’s crypto portfolio, it’s the most trusted for long term growth and as everyone is aware mass adoption is becoming a question of when not if, which is something that couldn’t be dreamt of a 2/3 years ago.

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