Goldman Sachs May Store Bitcoin for Cryptocurrency Funds, Institutional Investors

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Goldman Sachs May Store Bitcoin for Cryptocurrency Funds, Institutional Investors

"One of the world’s most well-known investment bank is mulling launching a custodial service to store bitcoin for investment funds that want to hold cryptocurrency. Goldman Sachs May Custody Cryptocurrencies Citing multiple anonymous sources familiar wit..."

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The future of money is in cryptocurrency. So the best things we can do is to collect it as much as we can. One day you gonna realize that you are already a millionaire

The popularity of the crypto currency gained globally. The governments of many countries have had to comply with this, even when they do not want to. It seems, its future will be much better. We should also collect bitcoin according to the status.

A couple of days ago, I was reading a blog that stated Goldman Sachs believes that Bitcoins are done for, seriously the hypocrisy never ends for these bankers.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment