Pay Okung and Barkley in Bitcoin!

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Football preseason is almost here. Obviously this gets a lot of football fans excited.

Bitcoin fans? We're excited anyway. We've got a halvening coming up next year that's going to change the game. Not football. You know what I mean.

So, what does football have to do with Bitcoin?

Okung and Barkley, that's what.

In case anyone missed it, Russell Okung of the Los Angeles Chargers and Matt Barkley of the Buffalo Bills would like to be paid in Bitcoin. It's awesome to see these guys championing Bitcoin, but so far, no luck for them. Their teams have made no moves to pay them in Bitcoin.

So, here's an idea.

What if they offered to take a 10% cut in their pay if they were paid in Bitcoin.

It would be a saving for the team, so it's a win for them right? They'd have to go for it.

But what about Okung and Barkley, or anyone else for that matter? Why would they be willing to take a pay cut just to be paid in Bitcoin now?

Well, actually, we all know the answer. We know what's coming with Bitcoin. But the establishment doesn't.

Sure, Okung and Barkley would take a small cut right now, but how would that look six months from now? Or two years? Or ten?

It's laughable how much money they would have. That lost 10% would be forgotten.

As of now, if they want to convert their pay into Bitcoin they'd have to deal with moving the coins themselves and incurring exchange fees and all that. They probably will do that anyway, at least for some of their pay. And until then, it's sitting in dirty devaluing fiat.

But seriously, Russell. Matt. You know what that Bitcoin will be worth in the future. Wouldn't a 10% cut be worth it to have it all in Bitcoin right now, before the next bull run? Imagine the press you guys would get, the damn mojo you would have for even offering this!

Think about it. Anyway, good on you guys for promoting Bitcoin.

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