I Have Finally Decided to Simply Delete Every Work Email as Soon as They Arrive and Focus on my Blog Instead!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

How long can I keep this job if I just delete every email that comes to me and I just post stuff on Steemit? Only time will tell for sure.

This is day 1, before today I spent at least 6 hours a day responding to emails. It has been a very slow email day so far. I have deleted 2 emails. I didn't read them. I stopped caring. I really love Steemit. All my instincts are telling me to do this!

I know I can do this for a living. I am committed. This is going to be the life I always dreamed of!

Soon I hope to have an editor that will proof read my work. I have a tendency to leave out words.

Most of job entails email. This is a daring move by someone who is full of faith and will take chances to come out on top.

My coworkers are pretty nice. I think as long as I am nice to them and don't make up fake excuses, don't lie, and show up on time, I think they will keep me around.

A big part of the value I provide is entertainment value. I don't work in the entertainment industry. What I mean is the engineers I work for spend hours and hours making fun of me. It started with them making fun of my minivan. It wasn't that bad. It is just that I am a single man with no kids. The van was a gift. I got rid of it and they make fun of my car now anyway. Yesterday one of them told me I should have never sold that minivan.

Then I was over drafted one day and had to borrow money from one of my coworkers. They realized I didn't have any savings. Then when I started to buy Bitcoin with my only money, they had a field day. They took turns asking me questions that really had no good answers. I can tell you a few:

How do you feel about sleeping outside?
When Bitcoin goes, to zero, what are you going to do?
How do you think robot money will provide for your human needs?
Why don't you just use US dollars like normal Americans and forget the money robots and criminals use?

They tease me about my friend Maria R Calhoun, because she is a criminal. They tease me about my new car because I can't afford it. They also take turns practicing firing me.

I can never make a joke of my own. They will interrupt me before I get to the punch line. None of them think my block chain blog is a good idea. They think I am wasting my time with Bitcoin and blogs, but the truth of the matter is they all have stressful jobs and need someone to make fun of to make their day go by faster.

They look forward to coming to work because of me. The best part of their day is making fun of me. If it wasn't for me they would have no office supplies, no coffee, and no fun.

I know I will survive for at least two weeks without responding to any emails because these 6 engineers I work for are really busy this week. It is 2:48PM on Wednesday June 20, 2018. Ladies and gentlemen place your bets.

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:-) You need to use the tag #funny a lot !! Have you learned about Steemit Groups on Discord yet? If not, we gotta find some you can promote your posts in.

#abused admin

Yeah better you than me. Pretty much why I quit. Then became abused software QA

That's marvellous. Who do you abuse?