You might think you need an extreme know-how of computers to do any kind of crypto mining, that it couldn't possibly be done by the average person.
You just need computer parts that are powerful enough to make mining profitable, and a handy piece of software called Nicehash. You literally press a green button on Nicehash to start mining.
You could mine with a basic computer that only has a processor, like an Intel or AMD processor. But graphics cards that PC gamers use to power their games are much better suited for the job.
For the best results, you'll need desktop PC and Nvidia or AMD graphics cards. Laptops, even the gaming variety, may not be very well suited for mining.
For Nvidia cards, you're better off with the current GTX 1000 series of graphics cards, like the GTX 1060 (6GB model) or above.
You do, however have some time before AMD releases a new card, as it's expected to release new cards in August.
Graphics cards are also being sold at greatly inflated prices these days .