Infowars accidentally exposes Roger Ver

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

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LOL every time the guy on the call says bcash you can see Roger Ver die a little inside. I'm surprised he didn't flip his shit like he normally does when someone calls it bcash.

We missed the concept, how was Ver exposed here?

Have no opinion on Ver, we certainly pay attention to both his horrible reputation as well as his saintly reputation, but haven't formed a full opinion. working with miners SEEMS like a bit of an awful thing to do, but it doesn't match the fact that extremely large miners should actually favor BTC winning, no? They get more mining fees from BTC, the price stays higher longer (ponzi-effect of how bitcoin works), and transactions will only bring DOWN the price of bitcoin (whether BCH or BTC). In fact, it makes sense that BTC might drop in price down to BCH's level, if BCH overtakes it. Simply bc people will default to using the lower-fee higher-thru-put of BCH so long as LN takes longer to be implemented.


Are you of the opinion that BCH won't defeat BTC? Pro BTC or pro BCH?

That right there is the problem. Why is BCH supposed to 'defeat' bitcoin? Roger instead of promoting Bitcoin technology neutrally is bringing a fight.

This is an older link, but think it sheds a new look on Nick Szabo as Satoshi...

Informative article