Did that BTC transactions congestion scare you last week?
Please don't let this or the next fork mining shift scare you. Think of this as two sides to the shared algorithms. We see these miner shifts often with forked Altcoins and competing hash Altcoins.
Bitcoin Cash was advertised as a competing hash to bitcoin. These shifts in mining for profitability will become more common until the value of bitcoin Cash either gets near, equals, surpasses bitcoin value or if the Bitcoin Cash chain gets more blocks built than bitcoin then the amount of people mining bitcoin will in general go down more permanently.
If Bitcoin Cash doesn't reach any of these points then profit shifting will become a natural part of the crypto universe. Companies will start offering auto-shift, more altcoins will be developed around auto-shift & trading these coins will become a drama on which coin holds more "true value" (it's possible future max value). This could kill the major crypto universe but I doubt it would.
If these shiftable coins start to cause a poor name for crypto, many people and/or crypto companies will just stop using those coins by either falling back on a core of BTC or switch to a completely different altcoin or forked bitcoin. The most possible option would be to fall back unless JSminers and browser miners become more profitable. The fall back would be because there's so many available bitcoin miners already and it's possible many professional miner companies wouldn't have stopped mining BTC. So the company could liquidate their no longer wanting risky coin miners or hand switch them to the BTC Core.
If profit mining becomes as common as I said previously then you could set a clock to when a majority of miners switch over. Then you could advise customers but at the same time the switching would effect BCH differently than BTC. While BTC will probably continue no matter what, BCH will have lower mining rates during the early stages of the difficultly round. Most likely the majority of miners would switch only once every other round so the difficulty will be much lower when compared to switching every round by the majority of BCH miners. This causes a spike up in value during the end of each round, an extra time every other day (as traders start noticing the value spike pattern) but dip at least once every other round to every round.
Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold could help scale bitcoin. By offering different bitcoins instead of Altcoins, more of the majority public will choose the easiest, most talked about in their groups of friends or cheapest version of bitcoin. This will put more bitcoin users on different forks and trade API QR codes will replace wallet addresses in most businesses. This removes fear of gaining a coin the business doesn't want/customers can't lose their coins from sending to wrong hash wallet addresses.
Bitcoin can scale both out and in. What if bitcoin gets banned?!
No problem, bitcoin core or bitcoin classic is designed around all miners having a copy of the core ledger. So there would be more ledgers, groups of bitcoin users will become like a secret speakeasy. Customers would visit a hidden, non-js or js-encrypted site to find their wanted item, price and pay with bitcoins. The customer would walk in, use their phone in line, get to the register, double check it went through with a tx qr code scan and leave, done. A better route for businesses could be to build bitcoin version apps that allow to mimic the normal company public app but only process crypto. The system could easily be so sophisticated that the customer with the BTC version app could scan products with the app and pay all on the app. No checkout, no waiting in lines. This is a real possibility that crypto can do right now!
Blockchain technology is the sneaky ninja that makes this possible.
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