Bitcoin fear and greed index

in bitcoin •  last year  (edited)

The Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is a tool used by cryptocurrency traders and investors to gauge the sentiment of the market towards Bitcoin. The index measures various metrics such as market volatility, trading volume, social media sentiment, and surveys of market participants to provide a single number on a scale from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates extreme fear, while a score of 100 indicates extreme greed. The index is updated on a daily basis and is available on various cryptocurrency websites.

The Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index was created by, a website that provides sentiment analysis for various financial markets, including cryptocurrencies. The index was first launched in 2018 and has since become a popular tool among Bitcoin traders and investors.

Bitcoin fear and greed index

How the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is calculated

The index is calculated by analyzing various factors that impact the sentiment of the Bitcoin market. These factors include:

  1. Volatility: The volatility of the Bitcoin market is one of the main factors that impact the sentiment of traders and investors. High levels of volatility can lead to fear, while low levels of volatility can lead to greed.

  2. Market momentum: Market momentum is another factor that can impact the sentiment of the Bitcoin market. If the market is trending up, traders and investors may feel more optimistic and greedy. Conversely, if the market is trending down, traders and investors may feel more fearful.

  3. Social media sentiment: The sentiment of social media posts related to Bitcoin can also impact the sentiment of traders and investors. Positive posts can lead to greed, while negative posts can lead to fear.

  4. Surveys: also surveys a group of market participants to gauge their sentiment towards Bitcoin. The results of these surveys are used to calculate the Fear and Greed Index.

The Fear and Greed Index can be a useful tool for traders and investors to gauge the sentiment of the market towards Bitcoin. However, it is important to note that the index is not a foolproof indicator of market sentiment. Traders and investors should also conduct their own analysis and research before making any investment decisions.

Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index Criticism

One criticism of the Fear and Greed Index is that it can be subject to manipulation. Traders and investors with large holdings in Bitcoin may try to manipulate social media sentiment or market momentum to influence the Fear and Greed Index. It is therefore important to use the index in conjunction with other indicators and analysis.

Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index Predictions

The Fear and Greed Index has been used to make various predictions about the Bitcoin market. For example, in late 2018, when the index was hovering around 20 (indicating extreme fear), some analysts predicted that the market was due for a rally. This prediction turned out to be correct, as the market saw a significant rally in early 2019.

In early 2021, the Fear and Greed Index reached an all-time high of 95 (indicating extreme greed). This was largely due to the growing mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin, with companies such as Tesla and Square investing heavily in the cryptocurrency. However, the market has since seen a significant correction, with the index currently hovering around 20 (indicating extreme fear).


In conclusion, the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is a useful tool for traders and investors to gauge the sentiment of the market towards Bitcoin. However, it is important to use the index in conjunction with other indicators and analysis, and to conduct one's own research before making any investment decisions. Additionally, the index can be subject to manipulation, so traders and investors should be aware of this potential risk.

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