RE: Question of the Day. Should I Borrow Money to Buy Crypto Currencies?

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Question of the Day. Should I Borrow Money to Buy Crypto Currencies?

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

I have done it and it was probably the best decision in my life so far! However, you should only do it if you understand DEBT! It is a two edged sword!

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have done it as well. Was scary when I did it but with great risk can come great return. I happen to throw the full loan into Ether sub $100 price, so everything ended good for me. Now I debate with myself every day should I sell some and pay off the loan or let it ride. I can handle the monthly loan payments so I have been letting it ride. as others have said, I also love crypto's!

I'm riding it as well and the BANK can wait! :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Why in a bull market though ? I'd buy after bears looked exhausted and wicks started forming on larger time frame charts. Just my opinion.

I'm hoping to learn how to read the charts to know when to buy or sell.Can you help me out?