Bitcoin is the most mentioned cryptocurrency on Twitter

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Every day Twitter users make around 40,000 mentions about Bitcoin, a figure that confirms the growing popularity of this cryptocurrency worldwide and its diffusion power compared with other cryptographic assets that do not achieve such level of notoriety in the social network.

Bitinfocharts publishes in an updated way graphs regarding the levels of mention of the word Bitcoin on Twitter, highlighting not only that Bitcoin is the most mentioned cryptocurrency of the whole platform in the period 2017-2018, but also has managed to mobilize an average of 43 a thousand tweets per day

The graphs also note that in December 2017 the social network showed a considerable increase in the mentions of the main cryptocurrency, even reporting 155.6 thousand mentions a day -exactly the same period in which bitcoin managed to capitalize its best prices of the market-. On the other hand, the months with the lowest proportion of mentions were June 2018 and the month of July, reaching a minimum of 31 thousand tweets a day.

Twitter user Hernz also published a comparative chart on the number of mentions made on Twitter regarding other cryptocurrencies, detailing the daily average of tweets for assets such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Zcash, NEM or Dash:

In the case of Ethereum, a total of 15.5 thousand mentions per day are made with respect to this cryptocurrency. On the other hand, Ethereum Classic generates a much lower average, with only 277 thousand mentions per day, while Bitcoin Cash is mentioned a total of 1.4 thousand times per day.

Cryptocurrencies such as EOS generate 2.5 thousand mentions daily; Litecoin a total of 2.1 thousand tweets, Ripple (XRP) 3.7 thousand times and NEM little more than 1.4 thousand mentions per day. The digital assets that generate less movement in social networks are Zcash with 335 mentions and Dash with 995 daily tweets.

Followers of Hernz commented on the published statistics stating that in some cases, such as Ethereum, said mentions did not count as comments on the cryptocurrency, since they were rather spam messages. Also, in some cases they are scams or pishing schemes that seek to steal information or money to users of cryptocurrencies; situation that difficult to calculate the diffusion level of each asset.

However, it is important to mention that Twitter is one of the most used social networks by the cryptocurrency community -in conjunction with Reddit-. In this sense, the platform can be converted in the long term into a meter on the popularity and diffusion of digital assets worldwide, affirming for the present day that Bitcoin is the best known currency of the crypto market.

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