Reality Is Realistic: Ethereum, Bitcoin Crash After China Declares Initial Coin Offerings Illegal

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Is the scenario described by Stephan Molyneux in my previous blog about to come true? The  "big banks game" is to discourage potential buyers while infiltrating the blockchain 

Ethereum, Bitcoin Crash After China Declares Initial Coin Offerings Illegal
by Tyler Durden
Sep 4, 2017 7:43 AM

Ethereum and bitcoin are crashing this morning, after China confirmed  its recent threat of an ICO crackdown (reported here last Monday) when  the central bank said on Monday that initial coin offerings are illegal  and disrupt financial markets, according to statement on China’s central  bank website. The PBOC also asked all related fundraising activity to  be halted immediately, issuing the strongest regulatory challenge so far  to the controversial if surging market for digital token sales.

The crackdown was announced in a statement on the PBOC's website in  which the central bank said that it had completed investigations into  ICOs, and will strictly punish offerings in the future while penalizing  legal violations in ones already completed. The regulator said that  organizations or individuals that completed initial coin offerings  should return the money raised, in move "to protect investors’ rights  and properly handle risks," though it didn’t specify how the money would  be paid back to investors.

Taking the recent SEC crackdown on Initial Coin Offerings several steps  further, the PBOC also said digital token financing and trading  platforms are prohibited from doing conversions of coins with fiat  currencies. Digital tokens can’t be used as currency on the market and  banks are forbidden from offering services to initial coin offerings,  and are also also banned from offering pricing and information services  on coins. Most importantly was the PBOC's determination that "digital  token can’t be used as currency on the market" and its warning that  "China will strictly punish over sustained offerings and law violations  in completed ones."   MORE:




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The  Earth  Custodians is not a "gloom and doom blog" as it promotes  a  different  way of  thinking to address any current human crises. We cannot resolve  the  problem with the same mindset that created it.  Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call    for   the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote    conflict  resolutions. Different but not new, because  such   concepts were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys   to grasp  the  unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for   power  structures, and  as how to overcome them as well. Mainstream   Psychology is on its    death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way   ahead of the curve, and  if  it takes one generation for a  money-free   society to take shape,  that  shouldn't prevent anyone from  taking    action, and  using money to  spread  the word until a critical  mass   (20%  of   population) is  reached.  Please do not hesitate to  visit  our   website and forum      

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PBOC with the biggest temper tantrum in modern history... this is cute, really. :')

right... never thought china would block it but it makes sense too

If you have certain central banks that allow it and others not, that will not make it easy for cryptoplayers. But I believe it is the plan.

Bitcoin, the NSA, and who originated cryptocurrencies Video – The Daily Economist
The white paper on cryptocurrencies was written (by the NSA) 12 years (!!!) before the elusive Anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto appeared on the scene to introduce his bitcoin, until then nobody knew who he was
skip to 20mins

Excuse me while I go sell all of my cryptos now 😂 That was the last thing I needed to hear right now omg

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Or is it your OTHER theory that it is a NSA covert action encouraging people to spend their money on crypto and then crash it? confusing, are we being discouraged or encouraged to buy bitcoin?