Guy Sells Everything He Owns For Bitcoin, Waits For Boom Time.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

A man upped sticks, sold everything he had for Bitcoin and moved his family to a campsite after claiming that he is waiting for the next "boom" in cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name.


Bitcoins can be used to buy merchandise anonymously. In addition, international payments are easy and cheap because bitcoins are not tied to any country or subject to regulation. Small businesses may like them because there are no credit card fees. Some people just buy bitcoins as an investment, hoping that they’ll go up in value.


The price of bitcoin has experienced a roller coaster ride in 2017, but that hasn’t stopped one man from selling everything he owns, believing that the digital currency will make him rich.

Didi believes in Bitcoin so much, he sold his house for 85 bitcoin, somewhere in the region of £300,000 – he’s moved himself and his family to a chalet on the edge of a campsite in Venlo, in the Netherlands.

All of his other items are for sale, too: the car, the motorbike, electric bikes, the children’s toys, clothing, shoes.

He explained the move by saying:

People will say, ‘You’re crazy.’ But we are an adventurous family and are going to gamble for a moment to live minimalist lives. If you never take a risk, life is boring

The IT specialist, his wife, and three daughters have just returned from a nine-month trip through Australia and Asia. During these travels, he met fellow traders who inspired him to become involved in crypto-trading.

Didi had been mining Bitcoin since 2010 but sold it all in 2013 – shortly before the value of the currency skyrocketed – which made a big dent in his portfolio.

Such a thing, Didi has come to realize, isn’t always a bad thing – he doesn’t have regrets because it’s still an experience he says he’s learned from.

The family will continue this way until 2020, at which point Taihuttu hopes bitcoin and blockchain will be irreplaceable and his wealth will be worth three to four times as much.

“The Internet was a revolution for information. I think that blockchain and cryptocurrency are revolutionizing the monetary system,” says Taihuttu. “In five years’ time, everyone will say: ‘We could have seen it coming.’ I am responding to this change now.”

During Taihuttu’s world tour, he got a message from a friend who had first told him about bitcoin.

“Check your coins! Check your coins!”

“That was ultimately the decisive factor for my wife to say yes to this plan,” says Taihuttu. “Education is the best for the kids. If you raise your kids to be too materialistic, it is not good. And that was what we were doing, to be honest.”

And if things go wrong? “Then we will be without money for a moment. But I don’t think that that’s the worst thing that can happen in life.”

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crypto currencies are all fine and dandy until you cant sell them for physical currency like USD. And now with net neutrality BS going on the USA can simply block access to anything online and that includes your crypto currencies. so for someone to do what this guy did is a huge gamble and not a risk worth taking in my opinion. from the news ive heard bitcoin is about to bust. it is deemed the largest bubble ever about to go to shit and if you don't time things just right you will be bankrupt. to risky. i do like your post though and up voted :)

Thanks and i do respect your opinion
