in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank and created in 2009. Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment. There are several types of Bitcoin units. These will help you grow your bitcoin wallet. Millibitcoin (mBTC)and satoshi are some of them. Satoshi being the smallest unit. Read below for some bitcoin units.

tam-bitcoin 2,814,749.76710656
mega-bitcoin MBTC 1,000,000
kilo-bitcoin kBTC 1,000
hecto-bitcoin hBTC 100
Initial block subsidy 50
bong-bitcoin ᵇTBC 42.94967296
deca-bitcoin daBTC 10
mill-bitcoin ᵐTBC 2.68435456
bitcoin BTC 1 coin
san-bitcoin ˢTBC 0.16777216
deci-bitcoin dBTC 0.1
ton-bitcoin ᵗTBC 0.01048576
centi-bitcoin cBTC 0.01 bitcent
milli-bitcoin mBTC 0.001 millibit,
bitcoin TBC 0.00065536
bitcoin-ton TBCᵗ 0.00004096
bitcoin-san TBCˢ 0.00000256
micro-bitcoin μBTC 0.000001
bitcoin-mill TBCᵐ 0.00000016
bitcoin-bong TBCᵇ 0.00000001

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BTC provides a sensible fiat alternative when the world desperately needs another monetary option.