RE: What exactly is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

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What exactly is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

It makes me sad that we cannot participate in these in the US.

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Is the U.S. banned from all ICO's?
Also surely some of the ICO's nobody can actually be stopped from participating in?
I know I am in some ICOs that do not accept the U.K. but I still own the ERC20 tokens in my Ether wallet, and I will still be able to cash them out!

Interesting, I thought it was completely illegal for us. I will have to look into it more. Also I get that it can be hidden and not disclosed, but I try to be law abiding. =)

Here in the U.K. it is not against the law, but our government did advise against investing in ICO projects.

Due to this some ICO projects have stated that they do not accept investments from the U.K. but if it is a simple Ether ECR20 token and do not need to register an account, then not sure how they can stop anyone!

But did not think that any country has actually passed any laws to stop ICO investments? Maybe I am wrong about this?

But do check the laws for your country and let me know if you find anything :)

Will do brother.