Crypto Investing Week V Update

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

As I had written in my last report I did not really believe the 400% short. It just seemed to be far too risky.

Since then I have rechecked all my analysis for bugs and did not find any. However, I realised that I made an implicit assumption in my method that turned out to underestimate risk. I know how to fix the problem, but it makes the method much more complicated. I will post the next report when I am done with that.

In the meanwhile I liquidate all my positions at
BTC = 8356.27
ETH= 182.53
the actual numbers will follow in my next report with the updated method

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Grin seems to be unable to recover.. Is its inflation too high?

Bildschirmfoto vom 20191019 113111.png

dropped under 1USD

I dont think it is soo bad. The project is good, people are active. The current levels might be a good spot to buy. I might do that if is goes just a little lower.

it just dropped again :D