Why Crypto - Currencies will NOT fail!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Wells Fargo bank is accused of creating THREE AND A HALF MILLION fake bank accounts in it's customer's names... All so that the Bank could fraudulently charge those Customers fees (For services they had NOT requested.)

wells fargo bank sign.jpg

This is a well established Financial Institution, started back in 1852!!! You don't start up a Bank, and have it grow to the size of this one.... And have it stay in business for 166 years like this one by defrauding your customers!!! Yet here is the Wells Fargo of Today. Premeditatively stealing from it's own customers like a Cancer is growing within it's heart. This is enough of it's Customers, to represent the population of the State of Connecticut. The Bank outright stole from them!!!

If You or I were to get caught shoplifting from Wal-Mart, with enough goods in our pocket to equal just one Month's charges ON ONE OF THESE ACCOUNTS, We'd be facing years in the "Klinker", and locked behind bars!
behind bars.jpg

Now a lawsuit has been filed that alleges Wells Fargo has fraudulently created auto insurance policies, in hundreds of thousands of it's customers names.... Charging them premiums on insurance policies they never asked for!!!

After taking these premiums out of Customer's accounts through automatic withdrawals, the Bank went ahead and charged the Customers overdraft fees, on any checks that "Bounced" because of insufficient funds (Caused by the withdrawals, that the customers didn't know about.

JP., Morgan Chase Bank was recently found guilty of money laundering in a scheme that funded terrorist organizations, and Countries with $181 MILLION Dollars.

A Manhattan Jury has found Bank of America guilty of Mortgage fraud related to thousands of people's home mortgages. The Securities and Exchange Commission has found that Bank of America "obtained money and property by means of untrue statements of material fact, and also engaged in transactions, practices and courses of business which would and did operate as a fraud and deceit upon the purchasers of such securities."

The World Bank has estimated that fraud by "Too Big to Fail Banks" and the Banksters running them bankrupted up to 100 MILLION people in conjunction with the 2008 banking crisis.

Imagine if people could carry their own personal bank around in their "Smart Phone"?????

That's what "Crypto Currencies" can do! Yes there is a potential for an "Exchange" to rip off it's customers, but it's a hell of a lot harder with these currencies. If you go to your "Wallet" here on Steemit, you can instantly see each and every transaction ever made there. This can't be hidden.

You aren't limited with Crypto Currencies to banking in any one Country either. If the "Regulators" in your Country seem to be bought and paid for (Like in the US?) Never locking up the Banksters that are ripping people off.... You can move your finances to another Country in just 5 minutes.

This is also why Governmental attacks on Crypto Currencies just won't work. You can keep your money in Timbuktu if you like, and Government Goons will be pretty much powerless to stop you (And yes Crypto Currencies ARE Money.)
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I don't know if Bitcoin will survive the onslaught of Governmental attacks, but whatever "Crypto" rises to the top, will surely become the "World's Reserve Currency"!!! This is "Baked into the Cake"!!!

I started this blog talking about the "excesses" of some of the bigger Banks.... The first "Financial Institution" you're going to see taken out by crypto currencies is the one most people use to send money to someone. Western Union rips it's customers off with 30 or even 40% fees to send money to another Country. They can take days to do so. Crypto Currencies, being based on "Block Chain Technology" can be sent securely to anywhere for pennies. This takes minutes. As soon as the Public begins to discover that Western Union is making $74 BILLION a year with this scam, and that there's a better way..... They'll be flocking to Cryptos to send money. Western Union's days are numbered!!!

About all you hear right now about Crypto - Currencies, and Bitcoin in particular is a lot of discussion about whether these things are a good investment. What you'll never hear from the talking heads on Cable TV News, is how Crypto - Currencies will soon enough be a superior paycheck to paycheck money for the masses.....

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Loving this post! Thanks!!

Yes the banks are run by a bunch of greedy scam artists