RE: Erik Voorhees on "Is Bitcoin the Future of Money?"

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Erik Voorhees on "Is Bitcoin the Future of Money?"

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

The problem with Peter's arguments is that his arguments would depend on the demise of Bitcoin. It always comes down to "Bitcoins value depends on the trust of people using it". If people lose trust, the value depreciates as it would with anything we consider valuable.-Imagine the day we can recreate gold on the molecular level.
-Imagine if we create something superior on a molecular level.
So we all can throw in possibilities, but what we have to focus on is what we currently have. That in my opinion is mistrust in a digital world, and I don't see golds position to help this in any way.

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"Imagine the day we can recreate gold on the molecular level"
hilarious ignorance ...