What happen on my country?

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

Hello, im Gabriel im from Venezuela and i like to tell u a little of my story on my country.
I share this because much people of others country ask me much things about the actual situation. and i like to share a little of this.
I have all my life living here on Venezuela, specific on a city called Mérida. i work with programmation and computers for long time, same that much people i have one family, my wife and kids.
When Hugo Chavez win the first elections i only have 10 years. i am living all the destruction of my country. in 20 years of government we are seeing much things that are affect much we people.
I now have 30 years, and in all my years only work for get food to my wife, my kids, and now this latest year with Maduro, i helping all the possible my father and mother and my father’s-in-laws. the crysis atack very fast here and the prices of the things cause a chaos.
include that my father, and father-on-laws loss they bussines. and i don’t receive the same work that before. every moment the demand its more more low.
This latest two weeks are very tetric. so so bad. now the great country Venezuela was are the more highest oil country. now in 2019 no have Gasoline. and dont made more Gasoline.
now we are fighting more hard for survive, the gasoline cause a chain of more chaos same to this.
The Killing Chain:
No-Gasoline>No-Work>No-Tranport of aliment>No-Food>No-Money>No-Things>Inflation>Corruption>Resell of things 10x>Fails on Electricity>Fails on service of water> Fails on internet>Fails on telephony
In few words We are surviving.
We eat any thing that we found or can search. now for survive one normal people need much money and we are limitated in all.
But im continue here, waiting for a change, for a better future for my child, and waiting for help to rebuild my country with my hands.
The only method now for so that our salary lasts a little longer its buying Bitcoin and waiting a little for buy food.
i hope explain the more better all this, greatings to all
Thanks to all for read my article if u like to know more comment :) thanks.

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