WallSteetJournal: The Central Bankers’ Bold New Idea -> Print Bitcoins

in bitcoin •  9 years ago 

It seems that the bankers haven't thrown in the towel just yet. Their brilliant new plan is to launch their own digital currencies while simultaneously continuing their shenanigans. The WSJ reports: http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-central-bankers-bold-new-idea-print-bitcoins-1468936751

"In a research paper published on Monday, economists at the Bank of England advocated that central banks issue their own kind of digital currency. Using the U.S. as a case study, they argued it could give a permanent boost to the economy of around 3%, as well as providing policy makers with more effective tools to tame financial booms and busts."

How exactly are policymakers going to "tame financial booms and busts" when central planning has been proven to be unsustainable in the long run. IT HAS NEVER WORKED!

Here's a real gem:

"The idea that controlling the amount of money in the economy will determine economic growth, inflation or credit creation has long appeared false. Since central banks started bond-buying programs in 2008, for example, the amount of central-bank money has exploded, but no inflation has materialized."

Really? No inflation? Stock markets are roaring like there's no tomorrow while the real world is burning and the social fabric is beginning to disintegrate. Real-estate prices in most major US cities are back up to bubble levels of 2007, with even higher prices is some cities like Dallas.

WSJ, Have a look:

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These guys are laughable. They want to make some shady altcoin? They are feeling the heat of the revenue they will inevitably lose in the future to cryptos. (Hi to a fellow gridcoiner by the way)

Honestly, that would be pretty amusing to see happen but on the flip side could you imagine the utter chaos which would ensue as a result of even a partial collapse of fiat currency. It has the potential to be catastrophic and that's just a little bit scary to me. Maybe they know or expect something and aren't telling us. Not like they ever have or ever would. Literally EVERY single time the bubble is about to burst, flip on your TV and look at the "NEWS" and what you'll see are all the supposed experts lying through their teeth saying crap like "record highs" or "things are just fine" or some derivative of that. It's garbage if you ask me.

Technically speaking, at most they will be printing their own scam tokens - not bitcoins.

Take a look at the repeating trends and the one thing that oddly always seems to come into play is just how accurate the timing is. Okay, maybe it's not THAT spot on but it still seems to happen continuously and the part that's scary to me the aftermath and cleanup involved in an attempt to re-stabilize only to climb and then fall again.

Laughable and always improbable when it comes to " the love of money". They will learn once it is unreachable. More blockchain research, less cocaine!

I am not interested in their shitcoin. They can throw both the coin and themselves in the toilet and flush themselves.

One dynamic that many companies and governments are realizing is that having a permissioned ledger is meaningless unless you tie to Bitcoin at some point as a trust anchor. I think that with a FedCoin we'd see their block hashes printed on the Bitcoin blockchain. This would, in turn, increase Bitcoin's value long-term.