Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Pattern Discernment

in bitcoin •  6 years ago  (edited)


STRENGTH in NUMBERS! We are 21,529 strong in followers!

These trolls who downvote not only the blog but also the comments....their objective is to harass and cuss to prevent you from engaging in commenting and following and reading the blogs. Well, fear of downvotes should be the last thing on our minds! The more we engage with comments the better....their downvotes are finite. We have strength in numbers! Consider adding Steem Power to your accounts to have greater impact. Even a level 25 account with $200 in Steem Power will easily impact with a downvote to a -18 level troll. This way will be an organized and effective self defense. I am using my Steem Power to recover downvoted blogs and return fires. I will also start upvoting those who's comments had been downvoted. Meanwhile, we need to band together and become more cohesive to become more effective.

Here is a link on how to add Steem and Convert to Steem Power:

EVENING Bitcoin Update:

The below chart shows a pattern where Bitcoin (BTC) could continue rising to higher highs and start forming a Head & Shoulders Bottom pattern. This is forward discerning as the Volume has it so that the Volume is greatest for the Head. The Left Shoulder volume is much less as it should be. Once the Right Shoulder pattern completes, its volume would be below the Head as well. It would be exciting to see this pattern complete and confirm. Remember, complete is when price reaches the Neck Line (blue horizontal) and confirmed when price breaches that line. Let's see how the overnight price action takes it.

Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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From: Dan Larimer
The only way to stop abuse on steem is a fair distribution with strong identity and better governance and accountability. When Steemit CEO uses company stake to vote himself $3000 on a 3 word comment to justify his downvote on a post that declined payment you have a system that is corrupt at its core. Ned is 51%+ owner of Steemit inc and acting without accountability as he presides over $400m worth of steem. His actions are misappropriation of company resources for personal gain at expense of minority shareholders whose rights are frequently abused. I can no longer support Steemit or steem nor contribute my effort to promote a platform that rewards this behavior. I will strive to rebuild a new community that will hopefully realize my original vision. I love the passionate community behind steem and look forward to the day I can provide a new home for them where good people can feel safe.

Oh snap!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@haejin- can't the witnesses work on a code change to fix this flagging crap? I don't see it useful at all. They put a machine gun in the hands of 6 year olds. I think without the ability to flag, having no one vote for low value postings is enough disincentive. No need for people with the DNA that want to control everything having a powerful tool to enable them.

Well said, I've seen this argument pan out and honestly, whales flagging stuff is ruining this community. I feel for @berniesanders because haejin has single-handedly cost him thousands of dollars and destroyed his reputation - thus, his steemit identity - all because bernie was trying to stop haejin from abusing the system. That's too much power for one person to have, especially when they can use it to destroy anyone that stands in their path. I think its obvious why i didn't use the @ before his name...

He was -18 before I joined Steemit. He destroyed his rep much in advance. How you fail to mention that is beyond me.

Great reply @haejin, love it.

For some reason others dont like people who succeed. U dont hound people for cash haejin for analysis. Most of the other do.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Bernies reputation was already in the negative because he is an asshole to everyone and eventually @dan slapped him down.
Haejin wasn't a whale when this started. Bernie being a dick created a backlash that propelled haejin to whale status. Nice recreation of history though.

It did bring haejin to everyone attention. So worked well for him. And for us since we get his TA. Didn't work well for Bernie... karma?

And so the system does work!

downvoting everyone that comments on haejin's posts was costing innocent users of the platform rep and dollars as well. I guess the community has spoken and they like that content they read is being posted.

Upvoted to fight these evil downBOTers.

This is real !!

Or you could sell thousands of dollars ago and buy much more now for less.
Go advertise on some other page.

Hello Friends @haejin and @tokyoin! The information on cryptocurrencies is very interesting, it is not as simple as it seems. I hope to continue learning with your post.
If you have time check my post, it is to raise money for children with cancer in my country, I do not want to be spam and that's why it has cost me to spread the information!

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

What's wrong with what they do with their money? They support the community by making informative posts. The rest is their business.

Agreed. I think it will be important to be sure that people like us connect, and stayed connected. The "free lunch" crowd will have to be isolated. @berniesanders can have them.

Mutual follows.

I hate your stupid ass as a communist politician and even more so as a pain in the ass steemit poster.

In either case Bernie Sanders is fucking worthless!

Are you going to cry now?

Burn this motherf*cker down. Mutual follows guys.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the updates Haejin, been following quietly. For this bounce where you’ve labeled the impulse wave up (1), (2), (3)..... even from your chart, we see the price fell below (1) level now - does this invalidate the rule that it should not overlap?

I understand there are case of leading or ending diagonals which will allow these overlaps, but is there some more confirmation or methods we can determine if it’s indeed those special cases and not a bias which wants me to “assume” it’s Ok to overlap attributing it to a leading diaganal (in this case)

Btw, I really don’t like what I see in Steem with all these “fights”, as an investor. It’s simple sending a very bad impression to prospective new content creators deciding to contribute in this environment. Anyway, you deserve my upvote with 100% of my 600+ SP, and 30 rep. However that may help.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It's not falling below level 1 because it's a subwave (2) of the wave 3 on a higher scale

I believe its the level 4 that is not to go below level 1 top not a drop/subwave in 3.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I was seeing a 1,2; 1,2. Not a no overlap. The 3 is labeled higher than current price.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Bernie previouly said that he is posting, not because he is negative, but because "he is trying to help us". You always get these lonely, insecure, guys, who go where they are not wanted, and they say things nobody cares to hear. They justify it by saying that "they are just here to help people". If Bernie had a woman in his life, he wouldn't be spending so much time acting obnoxious in steemit. Get a social life Bernie! We are trying to learn something here!

I think you'll find he prefers goats

There's always some Marxist pseudointellectual that thinks he's smarter than everyone, propping up their self-loathing on faux moral superiority. @berniesanders is weak AF. Piss on him. Mutual follows...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Bernie rubble shut up and do one

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

cheer up master!

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

It looks like a lower low is still on the cards. This differs from this chart. Have things changed?

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

I think don't get your hopes up, BTC can drop to 5k...thats the next support line

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

There no point wasting your energy, crypto is full of amatuer traders ( i am one myself) who think that markets go up forever. No crashs can happen. That think investing in a company that has no product, and worst still arent even working on project, is good investments.

Rather than learn themselfs they will just blindly follow other people. The only people capable of taking this to 50-70-100k is the big money, the men with the millions. But these same people want to kill bitcoin. They will not succeed of course but they are going to try VERY VERY hard.

Anyone that thinks differently needs to wake up. Blockchain is a threat to the FED IRS WALL STREET and the banks.

Yea, but in some countries where goverment fuck people with big taxes n not intrested to small people to earn big money...crypto is way to say to them fuck you and collect money not pay some taxes

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

This is kinda discouraging to a new user that has no idea what is going on with your guys @haejin. I am new to Steemit and I actually found out about this platform from following your YouTube with the BitCoin updates. ( thank you very much for them) But yesterday he Flagged one of my comments I made to one of your post and it took away from that number that we work so hard to build up.. I don't think it is very fair at all. But, what the heck, Life is not fair lol I will still watch your daily updates and follow you on here. I am hoping that this post will Not be flagged again by him. ( who ever he is.. I have No clue and I have No interest in what he has to say.. Keep em coming @haejin

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Then how did he get so much Steem if his followers are inactive?

And I'll keep it up. Go f*ck yourself, Stalin.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

All these Steem political bickering seems extremely childish to me. All Haejin is doing is posting his opinions, and people upvote him for providing useful content. I don't understand why all these people downvote / care about what Haejin does with what he's rewarded with.

I was suppressing my responses to the trolls, now I'm speaking out. To me, there is no logic in what the trolls are doing. I think it's jealousy of Haejin's success, or a lack of responsibility for their failed investments and bad financial decisions. Most of the trolls are bottom-feeders, who cry about the actual content developers (Haejin, others), while providing absolutely crappy value and content themselves. I've learned a great deal from Haejin. Many people joined Steemit because of his blog. No one joined Steemit to follow @berniesanders. He and his kind are lazy, boring trolls, no better than the bots in a troll farm. Such a shame, but that's the state of the world today.

No shit dude, they attack (down voted) Me so hard they lower Me from (31) to (28) I want'em to... better if I don't say it.

Don't become over-concerned with making money, just now, with Steemit... if you're going to become successful, you'll have to create valuable content, and generate a following. Don't worry that a comment was downvoted. I know that's easier said than done, but just create, to the best of your ability, something positive for Steemit. People will find your work. Do the best you can, and I'm certain you'll gain a good following and some great upvotes. Best of luck!

Tnx dude, I am doing and will keep doing it, but I was frustrated since the joy of getting a few more view power went down by some bad intention gruop of ppl ._. Actually I'm trying to blog at least once a day :)

Upvoting and following. I'm happy to support people who are productive. @berniesanders can eat shit. :) Sorry you were treated that way.

All we really have to do is be intolerant of freeloaders. People who curate but don't create have to be isolated. People like @berniesanders have no power without them.

He surely has eat a lot of shit for the time being, otherwise I don't know how can someone enojy being such a prick xD
And I'm most agreed over the "People who curate but don't create have to be isolated" altough I would change the "curate" for "enjoy critizacing blindly and harassly"
Much love dude, and thanks for kind words <2+1

@gasparcha, that is awesome. Keep blogging. I'm following you and looking forward to your work. I must admit, I'm not a whale here on Steemit, so I don't hold a lot of "power". However, I'm not here to make money, I'm here to do what's right and live. Keep blogging! Don't let these temporary setbacks get in your way, I'm sure you'll find a community that is ready to hear your voice. Just lead the way. Best wishes.

I'll surelly'll keep blogging! people like you made Me want to keep going, I don't care if you are a whale or a minnow, all I care is the support of the person behind the account, just like in life, I preffer people who love what they are and have over what they want and don't have.

Shows you how crazy this place has gotten ha? You post a very nice question and you're down voted for it

Yep. All we have to do is organize. People like @berniesanders are weak at heart. It will be important to the integrity of the blockchain that creative, productive people connect while the "free lunch" crowd is isolated.

Mutual follows.

Cheers to that, they hert is damaged beyond possible repair.
Edit: I also followed you two <2+1

I'll call it envy, the worst kind of envy, hopefull i feel backed up by the good part of the comunity <2+1

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Looks like you're also being suppressed. I've upvoted and followed. I feel that this should be our protocol whenever @berniesanders decides to attack in this way.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Sorry this is just a honest question
Cant you just fuck off and mind your own business?
If people like his posts they upvote them and he gets paid whats it to you? Petty jealousy??

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Looks like you're also being suppressed. I've upvoted and followed. I feel that this should be our protocol whenever @berniesanders decides to attack in this way.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Looks like you're also being suppressed. I've upvoted and followed. I feel that this should be our protocol whenever @berniesanders decides to attack in this way.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Looks like you're also being suppressed. I've upvoted and followed. I feel that this should be our protocol whenever @berniesanders decides to attack in this way.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

so true!
with dick @berniesanders stating in his posts that "we" have been flagged for replying to scammy shit, well thats ONLY HIS OPINION that its scammy shit, MANY MANY others dont think it is but fuckwit dick @berniesanders can delete our opinions at will. Thats bullshit. We are not allowed to have an opinion on Steemit, what is this North Korea ffs?
This will be the demise of something that could have been great, Steemit, due to sooky bitches like BernieSookyBitch

Yeah I'd be okay with never loggin into this site again if Haejin used Reddit or exclusively Dtube

It is funny because, not only is Bernie real negative, but, apparently, hebis real lazy, as well. He just pastes the same stuff over and over again.

There are a lot who downvote! check my post of how they did it so hard on me they take my earnings :(

you can mute him. :)

Sure, but they can still flag you.

Yeah, it's pathetic. Boring trolls. The only way I can justify someone being is a troll is if (a) the person is addicted to crystal meth, or (b) the person is enslaved to work as a bot in a troll farm. Sad losers who provide nothing of value. The entire troll army is pretty much a circle jerk of memes. Pathetic. I am not so tied to Steem that I couldn't leave in a heartbeat. Dtube would be a good alternative for Haejin and the ones who want to learn. There are probably other platforms that could be used.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

haejin can be a little abrupt and rude at times, I don't doubt he's doing this just for money but isn't that his prerogative bernie? FYI I don't follow haejin there are other much better than him around.


If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

The reverse head and shoulders was the exact pattern I saw and drew out in my post ( At the moment it still seems the downward pressure is still to strong, but hopefully we will find a higher low.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Hey BitchBernie, is it a coincidence that every post you put here has exactly 15 votes and .51c?
Whose the scammer fraud now bitch?
The only way you can make money is with bots and fake voters voting for your negative shit.
u weak spineless poor excuse for a human

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Loser @berniesanders is a no name loser sitting in his bedroom with his mummy baking him cookies and bringing him glasses of milk.
I feel sad for such a pathetic negative baby who has no life outside his OBSESSION with you!
What a life, obsessed with someone who is better and does more good for people than he could even dream of, hes just too sad, too unskilled to do anything productive in life except sit in his bedroom on his computer with his pasty white skin suffering from lack of vitamin D!
Grow up get a life Bernie or whatever your name is, probably Myron, or called Bubbsy by his mum cos he cries all the time.

Bernie has absolutely no life. Ha ha! He is just an infantile guy looking for negative attention, because he is all screwed up!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Looks like you're also being suppressed. I've upvoted and followed. I feel that this should be our protocol whenever @berniesanders decides to attack in this way.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.