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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my opinion, what you are doing mostly... you are creating very unhealthy situation. Your posts do not have to be bad/wrong to be downvoted. People can flag post simple because of disagreement on rewards.

When people see so much articles about cryptocurrencies on Trending.. this is not something what they want to read all day long - the greatest power of Steem should be diversity.

You produce only posts about crypto, which in the eyes of many, should not be on trending page over and over again.

If you care about Steem, and not only about your pocket, you should embrace this kind of thinking.

I think what you don't realize is the fact anyone who knows how to trade cryptocurrencies can use Steemit to help others and make money too. But they either are not bothering, haven't taken the time to build a following or they are not providing a good value to their followers.

The majority of us that follow @haejin are making money (off steemit). I have seen my crypto portfolio value triple in 2 months and it is 100% because of @haejin.

To make it worse, the original person that started attacking @haejin was showing an image that reported showed @haejin was earnings come ridiculous percentage of the entire reward pool. Once it was found that the image was wrong (not saying it was fake, only that the website it came from has admitted it was wrong) and we started sharing that info, trying to stop all of this, the attacks picked up and became even worse.

If @haejin was writing posts daily about something other than Crypto and the followers were upvoting him for it, would you still be as upset?

Any topic that becomes HOT and a person is providing good solid information for their followers could become a regular in the trending category.

Not a single person has suggested @haejin is using bots to increase his earnings. No one has said he is running multiple accounts transferring his earnings to them so he can feed a team of bots to increase his earnings. In other words, his earnings are coming from the people he is helping.

But how many of the people that are downing him are doing these exact things. Running bots, upvoting themselves and so much more.

Steemit and all the little people are the ones getting hurt here. I lost 4 people that were thinking about joining, all because of this attacking. It is time for it to end.

I would have to agree, If someone does not like what is on the "Trending Channel" CHANGE THE DAMN channel. The content is real, the content is valid and the theory is sound.

Haejin is not a photographer so his post wont be about pictures
He is not an Architect so it wont be about building design. Haejin is not a Doctor or nutritionist so his post wont be about food or health. Haejin is not a programmer so his post won't be about writing code. Haejin is not a poet so don't think your'e going to find him writing stuff that shows up in the Poetry Channel. Haejin is not Caesar The Dog Whisperer so his post are not going to be about pee pad trianing your new puppy.

Haejin only post about what he knows. Elliot Wave Theory. The fact Haejin's post shows up in the Trending channel means one thing. Enough steemians think it is worth upvoting and reading to push it there.

STEEMIT IS BETA. Don't like the way it works take it up with the developers and stop verbally abusing the users and down voting the ones that find value in someone elses post. What steemit is lacking is civility. I have forwarded my notes to @NED.

This post will be down voted in ......5.....4.....3......2..........

I am finding it amazing that a person who spends hours every day helping others and many of his followers are being downvoted and talked about like we are less than garbage, while the people at the top who started this are using bots to try to prevent the people who are being helped from saying anything.

At some point, common sense has to prevail. Self proclaimed whatever police rarely if ever solve any problems, it is almost like their real purpose to to stir up hatred and anger. Is it time to start a system that uses all the good parts of Steemit and throws out the bad? If I knew how, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Its not the bots fault. They just do what a human tells them to do.

You know, you are correct. Let's start a campaign to end bot abuse!

in all fairness, you right. Smart people will use @Haejin knowledge to own advantage.
One word of advice, don't share your portfolio in open channels with strangers.
My portfolio also grew because i did took in consideration @Haejin posts.
Not saying follow blindly but take it as checkpoint in your own strategy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here is my portfolio. And I am no where near a professional trader. Looking at your numbers and without sharing mine, My growth (percent) was actually more than 3x more than yours.

I am very happy for you. That does not discount that mine went up on the advice of Haejin. Your attempt to make a correlation does not work here.

So your point is????? Are you trying to convince us to drop everything and follow you or something?

Just look at his page ... it will all make sense ..

Well, not sure what good that will do since I have been following him for two months. I have his page on my bookmarks bar, and I look at it about every hour or so every day, waiting for his next words of wisdom. I am a newbie. I fully admit it. In 2 months of following his advice, my portfolio triples, when the 4 months before that it had only gone up about 20%. Are you really trying to convince me I didn't learn anything from him? Maybe your way it better for you. Maybe you had a lot more money to start with. Maybe you are luckier than me. I am sure there are hundreds of other maybes, but if you think you are going to convince me he hasn't helped me my a LOT of money that I could not have done myself, sorry to say you are barking up the wrong tree.

He found a niche, newbies to cryptocurrency, as is filling it better than ANYONE has ever done before. Since you feel your method is better than his, by all means, start writing about it. Start helping others. You and everyone else are free to do exactly the same thing.

But punishing people who are doing a good job and helping thousands of people is ludicrous.

Punishing people, the majority of which are still newbies here, simply because they are using their little pennies to upvote someone that is helping them, is ludicrous.

Whales divvying out their power to numerous bots, so they can upvote themselves or send bot attacks to wipe out earnings is ludicrous.

Don't you realize if YOU become very successful here, you could be the next target?

Most people simply do not want to put in the effort to build the way he has and now they are jealous.

please make sense, this is coming from someone that has been for a year, this is plain abuse, actually refer to my long comments, I'm glad you expressed your opinions, but I highly disagree haejin deserves what he has, it's hype and it's biased and it's not "from the people" if it was he would be making half or even a quarter and that would still be good, this basically scrolls back time to when there was hyper inflation, just for haejin, because 10 posts a day and 50kUSD a day, do you think, just riddle me this

Claim rewards
407.360 SBD 125.462 SP
1 hour ago

Claim rewards
852.787 SBD 268.145 SP
9 hours ago

i'm no jelly :D but this isn't right from my perspective, sure he's a unique individual, but there are many technical analysts, and almost none of them are getting 50k a day (currently it's half that for a week)

Talk with icomment

My opinion on this, a long read

Link to my two best blogs

  1. Whale wars(of old),
  2. ?Why do you post
    sorry for linking you to links, I just used the links :D

So yeah, maybe he's honest, doesn't collude, maybe there is no in-crowd splitting the spoils, maybe it's all organic, maybe it's all from people's kind hearts, (15% said the data, that's pretty good yes, great engagement of 25k followers)

I would think the percentage of the listed cases above is probably the same, so it's highly likely there is abuse and highly likely that this isn't fair to you, still compared to financial corruption, this is negligible, but a bad showcase I'd say.

your screenshot doesn't have a scale bro....

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I totally agree with you. This is like trying to change the rules of the Game because someone wins alot. Instead of being creative and providing content that people want to see. They spend their time going around as some self assumed steemit police force. Like some gorrilas in police uniforms beating their chest.

It's worse than that they are only doing it because it hurt their reputation racketing business .

Dude has great success on his blog so he get paid = bad
Whale peddling influence to get money with usury boting system = good

This is an upside down world.

When you support randomwhale or bernie you are basicaly saying that when you get success you shall not receive good reward which is the all point of steemit, madness !!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Haijin predicted that crypto-currencies would rise in value. While EVERY crypto was rising in value and capable people (cough cough Bloomberg and the FT) were predicting it too. He basically copied them.

Hmm, "EVERY crypto was rising in value". Oh so all the charting companies and all the people who charge for trading advice are ripping people off? Damn, sounds like we are trying to stop the wrong people.

Hmm, "Oh so all the charting companies and all the people who charge for trading advice are ripping people off?" Oh so the only things you can trade in the world are crypto's. Sounds like you need to go look at Forex/FTSE/just about everything else.


If this posts are on trending is because the people on steemit likes it, that's the way it works, If you don't like it just scroll down. Steemit is full of worthless information and stealed content, I don't like to see that either, but I just scroll down, If @heajin's post gets too many upvotes is because people like me appreciate the good quality of his content. If you want to donwvote someone for bad quality content start for those who stole articles from the web or post porn, or simply replied to post for a follow or an upvote. We are learning with him, if you don't want to learn just srcoll down.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Why did I get flagged by @randowhale if the flagging war is supposed to be over?

I appreciate your opinion. I think you should re-read the guide about downvoting.

If he is making a lot of money from Steemit he deserves it because we voted for it. When you down vote for childish reasons, you take our vote away.
Do not downvote content that expresses a different opinion than your own. Its author has the same right to free speech that you have. Feel free to post your own opinion in a comment instead, or in a separate post.
Do not downvote content simply because you dislike its author. In particular, don't downvote a post just because its author downvoted one of yours. That's childish.

Another fool that will take a beating laying down, Brilliant!
What other course of action do you advise master?
Sun Tzu or punching bag? Maybe pincushion? Roll over, good boy!

His posts are trending because people ARE interested in the Elliott Wave Principle and are reading his posts. You may not find the topic interesting but clearly other people do. Instead of people trying to knock Haejin down and create an artificial trending page, why don't the people who don't like, or write about cryptocurrencies up their game ie. post more quality content and actively try to grow their followers? Haejin's posts are pure gold to people who are interested in cryptocurrencies, he posts regularly, sometimes a few times a day, and he actively works to grow his following. Why should Haejin have to slow down because other people can't keep up? Surely that's not going to be beneficial to Steemit's long term success?

Haejin has 10,000 followers who are dedicated to following his crypto content. If someone is producing appealing content I and many others will follow them.

Most people on Steem are here for cryptocurrencies. It is because Steem is a cryptocurrency. You could go to a website that isn't using blockchain tech if you want to read less cryptocurrency content.

To me it could be handled way may be too late because of the rude, threatening and malicous behavior I've seen by bernie sanders and many, but all they had to do is maybe have a meeting with the large earners and discussed maybe that their followers support them as well..if this would have happened then bernie and many others would of had 10000+ up voters and supporters granted the content was liked by many...just sad...many people don't understand business and communications..they use threats and fear to fulfill their goals

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

And to achieve diversity lets introduce mass censorship. Makes total sense.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Are you saying haejin is committing Steemian White Genocide ?
Maybe you don't fully understand what "diversity" means in our days of globalism.
It means anything but diversity.
It means that people vote with their feet, and that God is on the side of the bigger battalions.
You are postulating an alt-right point of view, that cultures should be protected rather than replaced by others - I understand, because it's obviously true - but that is so 20th century.
Millions of people will come to steemit, a majority will be morons, and most will be interested in stuff you're not interested in (and me likely neither...)
It will not always be crypto, it may be... CAT GIFS.
And that may be a shame, but believe me - there's no way to stop it.
Obviously, a public social network is designed for exactly this purpose.
I've seen several comments similar to yours here, and I'm absolutely starting to appreciate the points, even to sympathize - I'm just trying to explain how futile it is to fight this.
Pleading for good will isn't going to help, as good will cannot resist greed.
The only way you could fight this would be by supplying better, or similar crypto content, or later, finestkind cat gifs.
Aminotrite ?

@noisy - your point is so bizarre. I have never heard of such non sensical rubbish. It is absolutely ridiculous. Each author should specialise in the content they are best at producing E.g. @haejin is incredible at technical analysis, while dollarvigilante produces a geo-politcal backdrop, while other steemians such as @sweetsjj produces food and travel articles.

@haejin posts are trending because they are being upvoted by many individuals. He took time to build the following base and should be rewarded accordingly.

So true! But some Nazis are protecting THEIR reward pool. I say we learn from the French resistance!

Let me get this straight, I'm new to all this unwelcoming bullshit drama (awesome way to present a community btw). So, you or them or whoever is upset because crypto posts are trending on a revolutionary block chain based social site? That has its own crypto? Do they want cat videos?

I have to be missing something.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

But on the other hand it reached the trending page because people voted for it. I’m just taking the other side here and saying that this is an open platform for whatever content. If he posts about crypto and people upvote him, why is him being on the trending page any different than other people? I think the solution to the problem is posting what content you want. Flags should be used reasonably. Not just to take awards away from someone. What point does that prove?

What solution do you propose to this problem?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL, as if he has control of whether or not he hits the Trending page. Your point is utterly ridiculous.

I remember 6 months ago the Trending page was mostly crypto (Kingscrown, Banfield and others) and nobody was complaining then.

If you don’t want him to be on the Trending page it’s an issue with the platform - talk to the developers and get them to change the Trending algo, or better yet, figure out a solution and submit a Github Pull Request. You want to punish him for his success, that is more damaging for newcomers to see than for “Crypto posts to be on the Trending page”.


Haejin has valuable information, and skill that he shares with us here on Steemit, and yes we want to donate our valued votes to him. He gives value to his posts using his knowledge and helps others also to prosper, and the votes Haejin gets in return are simbol of our gratitude for what he does. Haejin is very valuable to us, his trainees and followers!

Haejin is a subject matter expert with a crypto blog, and you want him to blog about..... kittens? You should listen to yourself from an objective stand point. Sounds like you are full of something smelly. If his blogs hit trending, is that not the will of the Steem community?

I have said it before and will say it again... I hate this platform. Really hope he goes private.

He's trending for a reason. Don't be a fuckin toolbag

Noisy grow up. Seriously.

he is free to say what he wants. He is not here to accommodate you.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@haejin, I appreciate all the free advice you've given on Steem - I made an account just to let you know about my appreciation and I've upvoted (with my admittedly small amt of steem) multiple posts of yours.

I have to say though, you're not doing yourself or the platform any favors by making posts with a single .gif that are nothing more than patting yourself on the back. The fact that you're going to end up getting paid possibly hundreds of dollars for this post that has virtually no value just gives more ammo to your critics.

I believe the multiple small posts you make every day are fine because they have actual content, but this one? C'mon man, you're better than this.

Sorry, but if many people here are making millions of dollars (in sum) because of @haejin, than why is it bad to let the users decide, if they are thankful for that or not....

And to this I would have to agree because it is not what Haejin specializes in.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

fuckin hilarious comment, too bad bernie is trying to hide it

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

hahah thanks @Haejin

The Bruce Lee of Crypto!

This is not bruce lee but his master IP man

Very funny.. I bet you.. With this actor you used, nobody dears messes with your blog. Your blog is safe

Indeed They Are!!! God Bless You!!!

haejin, both of us know your analytics talent help people, both of us are adults, not stupid little kids like @randowhale with stupid name and avatar, ond both of us knows every stuf here except teach people how to earn some money for family are shits. shits shits shits, so sorry barbies. one more time shits,,,we are men, hunters, fighters. If somebody dont want invest, go outof here. OOO comoon randowhale fun? do you ever have a woman? thats fun :-D not this :-DDDD you looser

yes agreed

Sounds and looks like you have a finger on the pulse of the market.
Staying for the long game?

I have seen this fight going on since I got here 2 weeks ago, when berniesanders was at it every day, I do not fully understand it all yet, is it always like this on here, or do you all pull white flags out at some point?

it started few weeks ago. Before @haejin, there was in my opinion only one case like that, with @steemsports last year - at the end, @steemsports understood what they have done wrong.

A few months ago Bernie started flagging an author named mischelle ghent who posted a chapter a day of her book. He decided that authors shouldn't make $100 a day. He wants to have control of this platform rather than let is grow.

so how did he end up on minus 18, that was the last time I seen him, -18?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

A few months ago, @berniesanders attacked me out of the blue because I had made a post which included "EOS" in the title.

Bernie is a douchebag.

There was another case with @dollarvigilante which I read about more recently (I wasn't here for that; I started in June like @haejin).

YEP! Everybody gave TDV and the steem gang a pass there! And Jeff admitted to it!

is bernie still on here? he seems to have gone very quiet.

Yeah man he's still flagging his ass off

I see, so it does calm down then?
I hope so, seems a little disheartening watching people fight on a decentralized platform.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@noisy, what did steemsports do wrong? Is it the same wrong that jaejin is doing? (trying to understand)

@haejin please don't fight this fight.
They will hurt your feelings.
Just do what you do best.
Remember many people love you.
You gained this love with hard work and deserve it.

Exactly. Just upvote. upvote upvote and make the effects of flags disappear.
Saves you times. Keeps your mind relaxed and earns you curation. Make the trending page full of @haejin

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

In this case there is no need to fight.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@haejin. hmm this is a good thing. stay together grow together like a family

Great work Haejin, we appreciate it!

@haejin don't worry about the haters! There are more that care about your posts than the haters! We all appreciate it! I bet you right now that those haters secretly follow you closer than they let on!!!

Yes sir it is

This whole situation is making me really sad. A guy gives his time, energy and effort giving away content he could charge a lot for away free (out of the kindness of his heart) and some people on Steem attack him for it? What the fuck is going on? Whoever is doing that should be ashamed of themselves and take a long, hard look in the mirror!!! Don't let these guys get you down Haejin, they are utter dicksplashes. Hopefully you can see from the comments in the blog that the vast majority of people love you for it. There will always be haters and haters that hate inexplicably. Ignore those assholes and just keep on truckin...

@haejin ‘s posts have more than quadrupled my portfolio. I wasn’t able to work due to depression for the first time in my life. I began to study learn what he teaches and managed to save myself and my family from financial ruin.... In doing so, my depression has improved greatly and my life has meaning again. I truly appreciate what he has done for this community, for others and my family and myself are eternally grateful. When so many people criticize you for doing what you know in your heart is right, that is how you can’t definitively say that you are in the right path. Thank you @haejin ...

Hey Haejin. Can you please make some new tutorials? I would love some more examples of how to use triangles and also examples of how to determine price predictions.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is hilarious! You made my day.

Monopoly's are never good. But getting about 1 % of the reward pool is indeed big, but nowhere near a monopoly. So if someone wants to change this, well, then it has to be done by the users and their contributions. @haejin has over 10000 followers that upvote him. Clearly not for the curation rewards, but because of his info.
If we/steemit don't like that, other content will need to be better or contain better info that gets upvoted.
That is how it is...

Learn how to play the game

The winds are always stronger on the top @haejin, keep up the good works and be strong.

I'm new to Steemit, just joined yesterday and I've seen the name haejin multiple times. Now I know who the boss is around here!

i think we need to have the freedom to post what we want , im not here to be​ followed b ​ people only want to damage​ the group , i dont see nothing​ wrong of the job of @haejin ,

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Eat this !

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

220 upvotes and $0.00? Must be something wrong about it.
Decentralization? I began to have doubts about it. Look at how many replies have been flagged. Too much hate people. The year just began. Think about it. Too much hate...

great post haejin!!

Well done Master Lee :)

I am Stan Lee. Hulk will smash your blogs.

Yes and when the altcoin rocket ship launches, no one is going to threaten your MAAAASSIVE PROPHET STATUS!!!


I am on your side and you are the only reason why I am here. However, there are always 2 sides to a story. IMHO, you should go private and charge a monthly subscription fee for your services. Why deal with this bullshit? Even if only 1,000 followers signed up you still would be making a ton of money each month without any Bullshit.


dude/dudet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The whole point is that he wants to help the poor get rich (or at least debt free), so that would defeat the point completely. On steemit anyone can read his posts for free and without signing up, and it is easy to find...

Love Wing Chun! Great actor !

I will not follow him because he only pursues a goal that is not in the sense of steemit 😉

Your blog are safe man, no body mess with you and go free


Well done sir :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you don't have to post this on every blog y'know... -_-'

Fans are fans :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Now, how exactly is he stealing rewards? Steem dollars aren't your until you receive them, what you see under your post/comment is just a prognosis of what it seems you will get based on the current situation. But the world is not static, everything changes, the votes as well.
And flagging a guy because "he earns too much" stinks Marxism. I hold the view that people should be able so sell their talents on free marked, and the talents that are most useful will get most reward. This is how Steemit works.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But that only applies when the people he sells it to pay out of their own pocket. Steemit works off of a community fund in which everybody has a say in how it gets spent. The community shouldn't be forced to buy something they don't use. If you want to pay him for his analysis, do it out of your own pocket, not the reward pool.

But that only applies when the people he sells it to pay out of their own pocket.

But this is how Steem works. Yes, you do not pay somebody of your money, but you use your steempower, which is a reward for participating in the community and helping the network (and by extension community). You pay for SteemPOwer from your own pocket, by either buying steem or by using your time to participate here.

Steemit works off of a community fund in which everybody has a say in how it gets spent.

Yes, everybody has a voting option, and the power of his vote is proportional to how much did the community find him useful. Then if everybody has a say in how the cake is shared why do you protest when people decide something you don't like? You have to understand that giving people the power to decide how to split the reward you accept an outcome that is not to your benefit.

The community shouldn't be forced to buy something they don't use.

Now, you are saying that "the community does not like haejin", then who is voting for him? Are you aware that by writing this you are creating difference between "the real steeminas" and "that scum that votes for haejin". How is this positive for "the community"? And they are not buying it, the closes metaphor is that there is a community that lives in a area, and they agree that by voting they will decide how the area is split between them. They are not paying for anything, just risking that they will get a lot less than they find "just".

If you want to pay him for his analysis, do it out of your own pocket, not the reward pool.

Not an argument. "If you want to pay somebody that writes shitty poems, takes bad photographs or (insert something) then pay him from your own pocket, not the reward pool.
The problem here is that some parts of steemians feel that the reward pool is their, but in fact it is not. It is the systems until the system decide (based on the rules) who gets what.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

but you use your steempower, which is a reward for participating in the community and helping the network (and by extension community). You pay for SteemPOwer from your own pocket, by either buying steem or by using your time to participate here.

But you are still not paying in steem power. Steem power is just your influence in how the community spends the reward pool. It is designed with the idea that the community could govern itself. Which is kind of what's happening.

Now, you are saying that "the community does not like haejin",

Nope. Not saying that at all. I'm saying people that downvote haejin have equal right to those that upvote haejin. Everybody is part of the community. Downvoting is part of the system to valuate worth of a post.

Not an argument. "If you want to pay somebody that writes shitty poems, takes bad photographs or (insert something) then pay him from your own pocket, not the reward pool.

Ok. What I meant to say is if you feel he is not getting paid what he is worth, and if you don't want anybody to have any say in it, pay out of your own money. you argue that

...people should be able so sell their talents on free marked...

Steemit is not the free market. It is closer to a gift economy, but probably not even that. It's something different altogether. If it is not an argument that you have to pay from your own pocket, then it is not an argument that people should be able to sell their talents.

If the community doesn't like shitty poem and pictures, they have the option to downvote them. It's always there. It has been since the beginning.

But this is how steemit works

Yeah, flags and all. This is how it works! Since I never use the trending tab, it never affects me ;p

I'm new to Steemit but I think this is not how the system should work. Lets get him down!

You will not change the system by taking down one guy. To change the system you have to rewrite the code, heck you have to change the idea of steemit!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@randowhale you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Can a $10 $XRP be out of the question?

nope, but I am selling mine tonight to invest in steem.

Really? I think the wave 4 correction is coming soon, better to buy on the dip no?

I bought the ripple at 16p or 20c at the start of last month, just sold 200 on eBay for £1000, that will do me, had my fun, made loads on them, cashed in tonight :-)

Too many in circulation IMHO..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You're probably right.

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