Bitcoin - More Than Money

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


The U. S. Federal Reserve created over $2 trillion of new electronic money from 2008 to 2014 during the Global Financial Crisis. The Bank of Japan and the ECB have already added $1 trillion in the first few months of 2017. This is all sold as being for the greater good of society to save our current financial system. When individuals engage in this activity it is known as counterfeiting and is considered a federal crime for good reason.

Successful counterfeiting is extraordinarily profitable for its benefactors but highly detrimental to everyone else. The money created dilutes the value of the existing money supply thus diminishing everyone else’s buying power except for the counterfeiter. It is a very simple concept that is intentionally confused with terms like ‘Quantitative Easing.’ I don’t know about you but it would most certainly ‘ease’ my financial situation if I could fabricate indiscernible counterfeit money with no direct consequences.

While my financial situation would ease under this scenario, my contribution to humanity would be burdened. I would gain an unfair advantage over everyone else at their expense. Even if I were to sell this concept as a benefit to all, it would simply be a cheap parlor trick and they would most likely turn on me and reject the system.    

This situation has played out over and over again for many generations in every part of the world and every individual, corporation, and government that engages in it knows exactly what they are doing. These are not stupid people and on the surface it seems to be a no lose situation if they can get away with it. The cost however is far greater than the reward as we are all, like it or not, connected. In fact our connection to one another has never been stronger.    

Technological advancements over the past few decades have enabled us to develop a physical manifestation of this connection in the form of the Internet. We are the first generation to have live access to the emotional pulse of our collective species. Humanity’s thoughts, feelings, and frustrations are on full display 24/7. This is an extraordinary step for mankind not to be taken lightly.    

As remarkable as this relational development is, it is equally messy. We are a diverse, opinionated, and largely defeated people so it is no surprise that our early expressions on this new medium are disrespectful, angry, and arrogant. I don’t know the ’12 steps’ but this is bound to be a few of them. It will get better in time.   

Until now we’ve had such limited exposure to one another. Immense emotional and informational input flowing through our minds every minute of everyday is seriously overwhelming. Let’s cut each other some slack for our failings because together we have proven that there is nothing we can’t overcome.   

Just as the Internet is a realization of our subconscious desire to connect with one another; the emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is an expression of our desire to have a fair and balanced medium of trade. If you are new to Bitcoin this is a good place to start. 

In a nutshell, it is a decentralized anonymous form of money that cannot be counterfeited. Bitcoin probably would not exist or be necessary if we had faith in the current systems of exchange. Unfortunately these systems have been abused by the few to the detriment of the many. So here we are at the crossroads. As I write this article the entire crypto currency market has topped $65 billion and is continually gaining traction. Countries all over the world are beginning to recognize Bitcoin as real money. The invention of cryptocurrencies is humanity’s response to generations of monetary parlor tricks. We’ve seen it all before and we’ve had enough.    

Collectively we’ve wanted to trust, we've believed that our leaders had our best intentions at heart. We’ve expressed our feelings in protest and our hopes with our votes, it seems we’ve been disappointed a few too many times. So here we are presenting you our ‘leaders’ with Bitcoin, Ether, Steem and many others. Cryptocurrencies are far more than money, they are a fork in the road; a new path of mutual respect for one another through transparent integrity based exchange. Buying Bitcoin is both a financial and moral investment in humanity not to mention the best performing asset mankind has ever known.

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