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Btw for those who still think Bitconnect is a scam. Note that they are #12 on https://coinmarketcap.com/

I think it's pretty safe to assume they are doing very well and won't close shop overnight.

They have been around since June 2016. They havne't left overnight yet, but "safe" is only a condition you allow your mind to comprehend, its a word that makes you feel less suspect about your particular investment. Whether its life, relationship, crypto, career, etc... What you fail to see, is good things can/will always bite the dust, what your wagering is how long.

I've been with Bitconnect for 2 months, no referral at all, i'm happy with what i'm getting daily.

I feel the same way, but not everyone does.

same here I been in Bitconnect I do not have single referral I just Invested my own. so far so good men Boom! (fist bump) to you kaynos.

WOW YEAH IT IS VERY INTERESTING but it that too a scam

I suppose anything could be gone tomorrow. Nothing here in life is guaranteed.

I like that @iamenglishtv "Nothing here in life is guaranteed" rather than too much speculating and investigating to one certain thing why not jump in to prove yourself because me I can't just let the time flies and wasted I don't want somebody control my mind of course I do my own research and invest only money I can afford to loose. Also, if you see something an opportunity and somebody told that is a scam and now that opportunity gone, in life there's always win and lose, if you win appreciate it, if you lose still appreciate it because if you lose that's the only way we get better. BOOM!

well we see things like this all the time. Look at ripple for example. when it was 10 ripple for a penny, people that got involved and cashed out at .30 cents were literally rich! It is not as profitable as it was when it came up. Some people that missed out on it called it a scam too. But for others involved early it was an opportunity that they saw to make some good money. But if you take someone that just got involved and you see the stories of success and your not seeing the same, you might call it scam. The term scam is thrown around too loosely. There are scams out there and you need to do research before investing to protect yourself. But at the end of the day, there is no guarantee or we would all be rich.

I think it is a good idea. They're addressing the public relations concern. They mention in the email the youtube complainers.

True, I wondered how long it would take them to make an obvious statement and address the concerns.

Hello friend @iamenglishtv , great video , congratulations, keep it up

Thanks for addressing this in your vlogs.