in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

I love this stuff! When government start implementing successful programs to control Bitcoin and blockchain Technology.

Anybody that is Criminal should not be using Bitcoin because you're creating permanent records of your illegal activity.

That being said to the extent that these governments managed to create legislation that improves their ability to fight crime or detect it on blockchains, they are creating a very strong rationale towards adopting Bitcoin -as a world Reserve currency a meta currency. The best currencies for illegal activity is still Fiat... where illegal activity should be understood as both government and privilege crimes... the petty Crimes of the poor is nothing compared to this.

To the extent that these governments successfully Implement these programs, they will provide the very rationale for their eventual dismissal. Because we will see exactly how much crime these governments commit and how much these corporations purchase criminal governments.

If they choose to fight Bitcoin they lose..

if they choose to cooperate with Bitcoin they lose...

if they choose to ignore Bitcoin they lose...

Centralized government will lose! it's all in how they choose to go about losing... I simply suggest that they get out of the way of the free market that Bitcoin has allowed to emerge and not that it is in control, the world can begin to heal from plutocratic tyranny and the despotic puppets they put at the top of these banana republics.

And to add to the idea of a free market we have to understand that we do not have a free market now and that what it is right now is a bunch of corporatist momopolies. Basically whatever government we have today it is simply a function of these corporate monopolies how they talk about these monopolies changes if you're in a socialist communist or capitalist Nation but the end result is the same for labor.

As we move away from corporations and towards democratically run worker cooperatives we allow Bitcoin to function in a free market and we create all the conditions we need for economic Justice to arrive finally

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Awesome post!

Yes, the monopolies behind this mess we call government are all in bed with each other. With the power of the blockchain, we can leave the lot of them behind and create a bright new future.

I've written a post on Steemit being an answer to the plague of government. You might like it. You might not. :)