How to send and receive onions on your desktop wallet.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Sending and receiving some onion could be a hassle to some people especially newbies. But in this tutorial, it will be made easy.

First of all, download a wallet compartible to your computer. Deeponion wallets are compartible to Windows, Mac and Linux systems. Right now only desktop wallet is available, mobile wallet for andriod and iOS is still under development. You can get the Deeponion wallet to download here-
The good news is that an improved wallet has been designed, which is better with improved quality than the previous.

Remember that there is a fee of at least 0.001 $onion depending on the amount of onion you are to send.
For sending some onion, open your deeponion wallet and after it finish syncing and connected to the deeponion network (and Tor network) click on "send coins" as shown on the pic below.
Screenshot (28).png

Now on "Pay To:" paste the deeponion wallet address you wish to send some onion to. Note that if you must cross check the wallet to be sure its correct.
On "Amount:" Type in the amount of Onion you wish to send. Note that the amount of onion you send determines the transaction fee. Large amount of onion may result in more fee than 0.001$onion.
Click on "Send" at the bottom. (see pic below)

Screenshot (29).png
Label is not important, but just for identification of the transaction.
After clicking on send you will be required to click to agree to pay the transaction fee.

Now to receive onion, first you need to know where to get your wallet address. click on "receive coins"
On the receive coin section, you will see a combination of upper case and lower case alphabets mixed with numbers, starting with an upper case D, that is your deeponion wallet address. Now right click on the wallet address you see there and click on "copy address" as seen in the pic below. With that address you can receive some onion from whoever you are expecting to send you some onion by giving that person the address
Screenshot (31).png

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Nice post. For a second, I thought you meant the vegetable onion lol, I'm just hearing about this for the first time.