They can't see Bitcoin, as long as it doesn't make any sudden movements
“Those who say bitcoin is completely useless are completely wrong,” began Financial Times journalist Jemima Kelly, in an Alphaville article published on April 1st. “[It’s] the currency of choice for people buying drugs, arms and other illicit things.”
And so this week began like any other week, with pundits taking potshots at crypto. We’ve heard it all before.
This accusation was a tad outdated. Companies like Chainalysis have been helping authorities track BTC payments as easily as fiat currency for than a year.
Whatever. Ms. Kelly, the FT, and mainstream media outlets, are too busy for mere facts. Bitmain cancelled its IPO; Ether is losing its lustre; Bitcoin will be condemned to the flames. Stay on message: crypto is a crumbling pipedream. The charlatans who missed the ICO bandwagon are flogging their half-baked ideas on eBay. The rats are deserting the sinking ship.