I have already mentioned my fascination and love of precious metals.
Gold and Silver have been in the battle, almost unnoticeably this year. Why? Because the media props you up with the narrative called “bitcoin." And like many things making headlines it's a very weaponised narrative: contrived and put forth as what they call “digital gold.”
Bitcoin is no more gold anymore than fiat is real money.
I have written quite a bit around the debasement of currency and have started to touch on the [corrupt] organisations who oversee legislation for monetary policy. Many have asked me about what to do to prepare and there’s always someone who can’t wait to raise their hand and scream “BUY BITCOIN!” I used to be one of those people. True story. But for the last year or so, the world has changed; and as a result, I too have taken a different journey. Long gone are the days of mining bitcoin in my basement for extra cash. What used to be cool and alternative, has turned out to be littered with dark money strings that scream “launder me.”
For those who want to go full on “ btc maxi"on me, maxi somewhere else , thanks. Shill to those who don’t know better.
I have been in the space long enough to know where the road ends for Bitcoin. Store of value it may have been for those who remember mining it from nothing, and rode the climb to $60k. However given the recent rise of rhetoric, and the media who has been shaming bitcoiners for YEARS, now magically turning around and telling everyone to buy it, should wave all the red flags you need to get out of it.
The truth is there for those who see it. And for those of us who know better, there are plenty of other opportunities in utility tokens for the future of where this digital asset class is going.
Let me start by saying, I am not “anti btc”—nor am I new to crypto. I just know better now. There's a huge difference.
And before I continue, everyone has to do their own research here. I am merely sharing my opinions- not giving financial advice, nor am I telling you how to invest your own money. You do you. If you don’t agree with me, thats ok.
I am not here sharing to have my mind changed either, as I have done thousands of hours of research over the years and have had plenty of personal experience. I don’t need lessons on how to make money in crypto when I’ve done over seven figures myself.
I have been in this space many years, and my husband, Matthew Hickey, the co founder of Hacker House, and respected security researcher @hackerfantastic, has been in it even longer. He was the one rigging a mine that could cook an egg, from bits and pieces of this or that, back in the day when it was worth, literally, nothing. I have learned a lot from him and have seen first hand the fruits of mining btc. We’ve always used btc as a hedge and have done very well in this space.
But like all industries, they evolve.
Does anyone remember Blockbuster? What happened when Netflix took over the market share?
Who remembers vinyl records? Or video cassettes? Or even IPODS?
Innovation happens. Embrace it.
Despite my lack of faith in btc, I also have to state that I do hope btc has at least one more rally, before crashing and burning into the oblivion. I say this because as of right now, while waiting on regulation, btc’s dominance effects the entire asset class for what is known as “alt coins.” In the world of crypto for those who are daring to venture into this space— at the moment: the media categorises "bitcoin" and everything else is known as “alt coins.”
I personally believe the categories are something like- bitcoin, utility tokens, meme coins, privacy coins, and garbage. Some over lap, some are mutually exclusive. And there is only one global bridge currency. Ask google.
The days of making “bank" with btc are nearly numbered.
Even if you buy in now and ride it to the alleged $100k, its nothing compared to what you would make if you bought into some of the other low cap coins that are fractions of a penny, under a dollar, or even a few bucks, at the time of this writing, and ride up.
When in doubt, let's zoom out.
What used to be “conspiracy" around central bank digital currencies, and “the great reset” is now coming into fruition, daily. YOU may not have paid attention to the Bank of England, SBI, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Santander, PNC Bank — and the many more I am forgetting to include—— but over the years, plenty of us are. And we follow the patents. Especially the inter ledger protocols and decentralised blockchain utility.
We also read the research, white papers and take note of the investment whales setting up huge funds in this space. Notice the media only tells you about BTC ETFS… they forget to mention whats happening behind closed doors. Don’t be fooled.
Some of us also watch all the bank regulatory panels and see the same names and faces speaking with everyone who matters, as in, those who make the rules. They are the ones to watch. The space is small. It's not hard to connect the dots.
Fast forward: “out of no where” there comes the advent of the Chinese Digital Yuan— a bitcoin network that is falsely claiming its store of value as “digital gold”, wall street bets, and Elon Musks twitter account.
Notice how the government puppets keep seeding the “greener"agenda in your head as they continue to push the rhetoric of climate change and sustainability? How on earth anyone can believe #btc will survive whats happening when every day we are forced to believe these leaders care about a greener future. They don’t, but they obviously won’t tell you that. Everything is about control, fear, and breaking your ability to revolt.
Spare me, David Attenbourogh occultists. None of this has ever been about protecting the environment, let alone saving the planet. I’m done listening to the false idols.
“Let them buy btc” they say, Marie Antoinette style, and mock you for following the herd.
So do not be fooled into believing any government will use bitcoin as the currency of choice; never mind the clickbait headlines. It's never going to sustain. Nothing about it aligns with the government “greener" agenda.
But…. “Btc is a finite supply.” FALSE. They can make btc any time they feel like forking the network through what is known as consensus.
“Btc is anonymous and can’t be tracked.” FALSE. Silk Road anyone? How about the recent pipeline “hack" where the government straight up encouraged the criminals to use BTC to pay the ransom, and then recovered it? When is it ever been ok to encourage terrorists? When it lines the pockets of those who say so.
“Btc is already the standard currency in a few countries.” Hmmm…. You mean the countries hedging away from the dollar, or owned by foreign government and handlers? How about the countries who’s natural resources and metals were raided by the shadow government? You still think they are making these decisions for the well being of the people—-or are they forced to? I will let you decide.
No matter how many volcanos or three Georges damns one wants to justify the mining power to: Volcanoes erupt, damns break, and the flood gates will wash away everything in its path. Especially when regulation is announced. Sorry, as unpopular as this is to say, it's the truth.
“Btc is decentralised.” This one is my personal favourite. It's SO decentralised, most of the mining power has been centralised in China. Until recently when the government decided they didn’t want it. Notice the price? For those who haven’t seen the clip— the greatest moment around mining of China, happened between Brad Garlinghouse and Anthony 'paid for' Pompliano- when Brad very eloquently pointed out the ability of the government to control ,manipulate and own the mining power of btc in China. I suggest you Youtube it later.
“Btc is the future.” HA! You mean the future for regulation to destroy. Proof of work does not work. Nor does it scale. This archaic clunky old garbage tech will never win in the end.
“But they made a new fund, a new ETF- and even the media are now endorsing it. “
Yeah. Who funds these guys? Why would they all of a sudden “see the light” when the product they already own ages ago has already “peaked?” Just because they didn’t tell YOU when they bought, and only got permission to publicly speak out about it now, doesn’t mean that its anything new. Distraction, much?
In short, do not let wall street confuse you on where to look.
If you’re in the camp of believing some lone Japanese guy published a paper and brought this coin into fruition in 2009, coincidentally AFTER the crash, with out realising the government agenda behind it— I can only tell you, that you need to re learn what you’ve been told. Dig deeper. And if you still can’t see it, research. I also suggest checking out the softly spoken Dan Penas thoughts on the real use of bitcoin on YouTube.
You can also see the crypto space now under attack in the USA, for example, as we see with the SEC lawsuit and Ripple. This again is more theatrics that are merely playing a part in the global stage for a greener more sustainable eco friendly power trip for the elitists. We know who will win that war… but I do not see central banks handing over the power of the payment system with out a battle. Hence why have to go through this painful process of litigation to define this new digital asset class called “crypto.”
Where am I going with this?
Well, for starters… when fiat does finally collapse, the IMF will have to throw its weight behind something new. New technology for the new world. And don’t get scared off- I am fully aware of the threat of digital currency. However, there is no other coin better suited for the IMF than the one currently being sued. In my previous posts, I mentioned the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) at the IMF, and the concept of a “global bridge currency.”
I will write another post about why I believe this utility token will be the digital asset of choice, and why I can see it easily being pegged to metals as the saving grace of the new financial system, over any other crypto in this space. There are a handful of others I also hold and I will happily share why. But for now, my focus is bitcoin.
If anything I am saying doesn’t make sense or you want to know more, join my telegram and lets discuss. Happy to host a round table discussion. And those who love btc and believe their investment is safe, please research what I am saying.
I end this post not to make you feel bad in holding btc, but to reiterate the point that there are other technologies far better suited and already planned to take over this coins dominance. And far more money to be made holding the “smart coins.” I didn’t touch on the laundering aspect as much as I want to; perhaps I will in the future as more bombs start to drop on this cabal coin.
But just like furlough is psychological preparation for UBI, btc was planted to prepare the world for digital currencies. Just because you didn’t know it at the time, doesn't make it any less real. I am very aware of the narrative that was told, but again, how often have we seen how wrong that narrative is? Don’t take my word alone— listen to the people in this space who know where we are headed. Not the ones paid for by dark money or inside the corrupt establishments. Listen to those who know whats REALLY going on.
The future has never been about bitcoin.
Once again I conclude this post to encourage you all to continue to research outside of what the main stream media says to understand the full extent of what is happening in the puppet show of world leadership right now. This isn’t about one currency dying, but the entire basket.
When that does finally happen, what will you hold to protect your wealth?
You know where I stand. Time for you to make a move.
Subscribe to my channel where I post https://t.me/RealJenniferArcuri
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The future Global Bridge Currency and Ripple Test: https://www.forbes.com/sites/roslynlayton/2021/05/18/we-need-a-ripple-test-to-stop-the-secs-overreach-on-cryptocurrency/
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