You have 5 Years Left. Will You be Ready?

in bitcoin •  5 years ago  (edited)

You have 5 years left. Will you be ready? Global changes are happening quickly. Our current global economic system is quickly coming to an end. The two hundred plus year Fiat monetary system is at its end. De dollar globalization is 60% completed. Sovereign nations are rushing into gold holdings. Over 128 nations have trader alliances outside the U.S. Dollar. Nations and the 1% are scrambling to obtain real hard assets. What are you doing?

The entertainment industry, fake news media and Wall Street serve one purpose. It is to distract and keep you hypnotized from true reality. They want you thinking everything if fine while Rome burns. Well, everything is not fine. The world is on fire and up in smoke is your jobs and pensions. All pensions have already been stolen by Wall Street. 80% of all the worlds jobs will vanish in 5 to 8 years from now. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will take away your jobs.

Are you scrambling to secure hard assets? Do you have physical silver, goal and key crypto currencies/tokens? Do you have farm land, a garden, chickens? If not, than you have less than 5 years to get it done. This is a warning. Five years goes by quick. Do not fall into their trap of having heavy debt and watching TV. If that is you, you will not make it.

Conclusion. In the next 5 years, get out of debt. Work 3 jobs if need be. Save and reduce 100% of all unnecessary spending. Brown bag lunches. Eat at home. No movies at theaters. Sell almost everything at garage sales or Craig's List. Start your garden, find local egg, meat and protein producers. Buy small amounts every month of silver and cryptos. The global storm is on its way. It will show no mercy and surrendering is not an option.

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Jep...I try get Gold also and silver. I hope BTC first go up and steem also. So I can buy more then just this what now .

Glad to hear that. I am doing the same thing. Keep up the hard fight. Thanks for commenting

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Jep lets figt back. I not want more this old banks, I know this go end bad. But I hope it end fast so we can start fast bild new systems up.


I agree you must prepare but preparing financially and getting yourself farmland will not be enough. I the masses have nothing to eat do you think they will not go to where people have prepared?

People are civil and all until they get hungry then they turn into animals. How should we prepare for this?

Transportation to rural areas will most likely not be possible for Urban dwellers during such a crisis. Small rural towns will fare much better than large cities and their suburbs