Jeffrey Tucker: Bitcoin Is Creating A New Civilization of Billionaires!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

jeffrey tucker on bitcoin thumbnail.png

During an interview I recently conducted with Jeffrey Tucker of the Foundation For Economic Education, I asked Jeffrey about his thoughts on Bitcoin as it bordered on $10,000 USD and what the constantly growing value means.

As Jeffrey Tucker said, when you look at the entire market cap of all cryptocurrencies, you get over 300 billion dollars. That's a revolution. That's a new class of billionaires. Essentially, he said, Bitcoin is creating a new civilization. It's a changing of the guard and we can thank decentralization for that.

While not all cryptocurrencies are good, there are many that are and it's providing a free market, competing currency alternative to the fiat, centrally planned legal tender currency that's currently enforced. Of course all fiat currency eventually reverts to its intrinsic value of zero. It always has, it always will. Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin, STEEM, these cryptocurrencies are changing the game.

Bitcoin and Dash has small circulation caps which creates scarcity. They also have application use which brings in an even greater demand. Their success is all a very telling sign of people flooding away from the monetary system and stock markets as fiat looks to repeat what it's done for nearly a thousand years, going back to 1024 AD in China. Crash.

Of course as an update to the original interview, Bitcoin has hit over $11,000 USD and has dropped closer to $9200 USD as it makes a dip while people take profits. This is only expected in a healthy market.

See the video report here:

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Awesome interview. The point about the banks co-option the technology and locking us in their cashless system is extremely important. Either decentralized cryptos take over, or totalitarian slavery is in store for all of us.

Jeffrey raises a really interesting point here about the transfer of wealth and the future crypto rich who will be the ones to shape the future direction of society. Perhaps in the long term this will be the most impactful thing about this whole movement and the effect it has on the future direction of the planet. A lot of young people with different skillsets, desires and way of visualising the future suddenly coming into a lot of money will be hugely influential on where we go next as a species

Bitcoin and Dash has small circulation caps which creates scarcity. They also have application use which brings in an even greater demand.

-Absolutely right! These are also the reasons why I believe in bitcoin. Please check my article about it as well. Thanks!

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Catch Me Outside How Bout That

Hello guys check out my latest post in which i discussed how to double your bitcoins in just 20 days with proof. Its absolutely valid, have a look and decide for yourselves.

A few years ago, a bitcoin could be bought for a few dollars. The quality of a bitcoin itself hasn't changed, but now the price is much higher. A bitcoin has no intrinsic value. For that reason, the high prices now could be a warning sign. In the past, gold has played the role of giving warning signs. Now, it's bitcoin. The high prices of bitcoins probably have something to do with the fact, that people are losing their confidence in the current financial system. Bitcoin is considered more and more as a safe haven. Hopefully it is. I think, it's not.

This is true. Bitcoin has changed the world economy.

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Hey, @joshsigurdson Well conversation Bitcoin will rock in market but alt are seems in trouble :)

Do you have a bitcoin? I think most of those who post about bitcoin - don't have it.

Using your theory, that would imply that people that post about Bitcoin have no vested (emotional) interest; making information, rather than pump-aganda that suits a vested agenda. In reality, I think most people posting about Bitcoin actually have a vested interest. why would anyone share anything about something that has absolutely no affect on them - other than the obvious desire to control what everyone else is doing?

If you had a ton of Bitcoin, you'd want to inform people of the benefits of owning it. If you own none and post information that positively reflects BTC, why? You likely won't ever do that without some interest in BTC. However, people that talk about only the negative side of coin - do not own it (obviously).

I think it's fair to say most of the people pumping out the bad news and doom are either one or more of the following:

  1. Pissed at themselves because they do not own BTC
  2. They wish to alter/control the behavior of other people (for whatever reason)
  3. They directly financially benefit from decreased value of BTC (short position, accumulating more, manipulating markets)

I can't think of any other reason a human would have to talk about something they claim to express no interest in. people do shit they don't want to do everyday - it's called working! and they wouldn't do it if it stopped paying..LOL

Ok, it may be stupid to say what I said.))

They may have steem and they make content about grow and loss of bitcoin to upvote yourself.

Not a stupid thing to say if it makes people think 😎👍

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. Thanks

That's a great way to look at life, @doelist! adding that one to my mental register 😉

The whole "who is Satoshi Nakamoto" mystery has been completely ignored lately.

And what the millions of coins "he" still holds? Where are they? When/will they ever hit the market?

Could bitcoin be part of some globalist agenda?

Imagine your bank account being seized by government force, maybe then you'll care.

I have bitcoin! :) But I also hold about 15 different cryptocurrencies

What?? That's a strange conclusion to draw. Of course I have it.

Great work on the post and interview, bud. I think it is minting a new breed of wealthy individuals, all over the world, and it's unquestionable that people are profiting from the 10x+ gains BTC has experienced this year. I imagine that this is the beginning, rather than the end. Barricades, roadblocks, and hurdles ahead for sure (gov't all over the world are blindsided now, but that won't last forever) BUT it certainly isn't the end of this revolution

Thanks for sharing that interview here, I would've missed it on YT since they want me to watch Sesame Street all the time after my kids used my account to watch ONE video..LOL

bitcoin work has a good value and deserves to be cash instead of electronic what you think ?

Quite true, but it's also important to realize what cryptocurrencies can represent to those who aren't millionaires. Bitcoin and the general crypto environment have enabled thousands of people in developing countries or countries where the currency isn't too stable (hiperinflation, etc), to go into international bussiness, to work with people all around the world in a variety of new, exciting occupations.

It truly is a revolution. In today's world, decentralization means freedom.

I can't grasp the value of bitcoins. People say they're getting rich from it, but who is paying people bitcoins for their labor? Nobody seems to be able to give a straight answer to that. They seem to generate it based on computer power. I don't really like the idea of wasting energy for the soul purpose of making money. I tried mining for bitcoins a few times and it was the biggest waste or computer power and time.

BTW here is my bitcoin address. Hopefully the wallet that generated this address and private key don't suddenly disappear on me like last time. That's another reason I don't trust bitcoins. When stuff goes wrong it's just "Whoops. Oh well, these things happen." Luckily I had no "money" on that address.


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Thank you for this information. New to the crypto currency and have been looking for posts that aren't filled with jargon. FOLLOW.

I am sick of this thing

Great work!!!
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my idea is that the price of the bitcoin will be 50,000 USD.
It rises very fast and also runs out