Falling Prices, Surge In Competition and Lower Transaction Fees
In mid-December, when the price of the popular digital coin was surging fast towards $20,000, miners weren't at all worried about profitability. Recently, falling bitcoin prices and heightened competition in the space have coincided with falling transaction fees, taking a bite out of miners' earnings. While bitcoin enthusiasts often highlight lower fees as an advantage of the digital coins over traditional financial networks, the median fee for a transaction has dropped from $34 in late December to below $0.50 currently, according to BitInfoCharts.
Read more: Bitcoin Miners No Longer Turning a Profit Creating Cryptocurrency | Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/news/bitcoin-miners-no-longer-turning-profit-creating-cryptocurrency-according-one-estimate/#ixzz5A1VG7Fj9
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