RE: Why I'll Sell Bitcoin if it Reaches $17,000 Soon

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Why I'll Sell Bitcoin if it Reaches $17,000 Soon

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

You refer to behavioral finance and market psychology frequently in your videos. Do you have a book(s) or source(s) you would recommend on the subject?

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Thinking Fast & Slow and Irrational Exuberance are good books on behavior. I've read other books on the topics as well, but I tend to forget names. There was an interview in Market Wizards too that I recall liking, but don't remember which book it was in the series. You really don't need to read too much on it as it is fairly intuitive.

I’ve just got done reading cryptoassets. Great book and would like to continue down the rabbit hole. Any books you could tell me about, would be great. I consider you the master. You represent the way I would like to trade and want to learn from the best. I dabled in the crypto market several years ago and didn’t do my research. Ended up buying litecoin, leaving it in the cryptsy wallet. Totally forgot about it as life goes on.. wait litecoins over $300 i think i have 25.. oh that computer broke 2 years ago. Three days later, after providing life support to my hard drive, i can see they were sent to cryptsy. They are gone now. Anyways, I’m diving in head first for the long term, want to educate myself as much as possible over the next three months.