I read a response from an expert who invests in cryptocurrencies, Tama Churchouse, about how can you trust that Bitcoin is safe and secure. I'd like to share his response with everyone as I thought it was very interesting.
"Bitcoin itself has never been hacked. The stories you hear about are intermediary crypto exchanges. Some people's wallets have been compromised. But the biggest point of failure is usually at the individual level. People clicked on a link they shouldn't have... They lost their private keys or forgot their passwords.
In bitcoin and in crypto, you should assume you can't recover your account. There's no "forgot my password" feature. So it's absolutely imperative that you take real responsibility with your passwords and recovery phrases. These are things of value that back up and restore a crypto wallet.
Bitcoin is safe and secure. But unfortunately, many people have rushed in and haven't taken the right precautions. And as a result, they've been compromised."
Have a wonderful day everyone!