Tips to strengthen your financial stability.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 
  1. Establish your financial security:
    Ensures a first monthly income.

  2. Clarify your unique value:
    What is common knowledge for you, is not for others.

  3. Identify your market:
    Each person has a problem to solve, who would pay?

  4. Build a community:
    Mr. Kennedy Dan said:
    "The most valuable asset you have is your Email list."

  5. Question your community what your wishes or needs are:
    Ask open questions to get a brainstorm.

  6. Create a solution:
    After they tell you what they want, there is the opportunity to create and start working.

  7. Formulate the launch:
    Anticipate an event to celebrate the opening of the company.

  8. Locate a mentor:
    To find oneself with that person who is exactly where I want to go, discover how I achieve it, with a behavior worthy of modeling to do it very well.

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