Meditation and Mercury retrograde as tools for traders during Bitcoin’s crash

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

With this past month of November 2018 officially declared the worst bear month in Bitcoin in 7 years according to, I want to discuss two items that can act as helpful aids in weathering as well as timing the Bitcoin price during this depressing market. Firstly it appears that the Mercury retrograde phase, well known to astrologers, is coincidentally occurring as the Bitcoin price drops currently, something I have been observing, monitoring and writing about for some months now. And secondly, when markets are so depressing, we can all use a little meditation and mental rewiring to improve out mood, outlook and vision for Bitcoin going forward. So here is what I’ve found...
The great November slump
The great November slump in Bitcoin price is well documented in the coindesk article referenced above. Still, that doesn’t leave us feeling any happier when we are looking for the price to Moon. Perhaps “the moon is in the gutter”, as the old Eighties song by Nick Cave laments, or Coldplay sings in their 2016 song “Up and up”.

“Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon” Coldplay “Up and up”.
It appears as if Bitcoin has fallen way down into the gutter, yet is still aiming for the Moon. These lyrics could have been written for Crypto and clearly narrate its current plight in price action. Having spent around two months hovering above $6000, we may have become complacent and thought the bottom was in. Then mid November came and price plummeted 37% in a matter of days, or around $2400, to land below $3900 for a while. Naturally all the altcoins followed suit, as they tend to do nowadays. I say “nowadays” because the correlation in price along all cryptocurrencies wasn’t always there. In the past Bitcoin’s price was inversely correlated to all the altcoins. Today it’s the opposite, they all rise and fall in synch. So be aware that trends change. What was the norm last year may not be so today. In this new industry of cryptocurrencies change is fast and loose.
Mercury retrograde
Is it a coincidence? Correlation does not mean causation, but I have noticed that on the past three occasions of Mercury’s retrograde phase this year (March 23, July 26, November 17) Bitcoin price has clearly dropped around 30% each and every time. This is building up to my new theory that the day of Mercury’s stationary retrograde moment is a clear indicator of immanent price correction. When Mercury goes retrograde, Bitcoin’s price goes retrograde too. It’s as simple as that. It happens within days of the predictable event occurring on average three times a year like clockwork. It even occurred on a fourth occasion prior to this year’s past three, and that was within days of the ATH (all time high) and mega price crash around 17 December 2017. That correction, although not starting at the Mercury stationary retrograde day, did happen a few days later, still during the Mercury retrograde phase, which lasts three weeks each time. I wrote about it in my earlier blog, when I first began studying the correlation. This November’s price crash simply confirmed what I had been observing already from previous Mercury retrograde times this year. Within three days of the exact Mercury retrograde day, (actually 3 days before and then again 3 days after the date) which was November 17 this time around, Bitcoin price had a major crash. It occurred over the exact days of the planet Mercury going stationary and reversing. I was expecting it based on previous occurrences this year, so now have confirmation. The timing is not always exact. For example in this recent November price dip, the first drop in price occurred three days before and then again further, just 3 days later, so the overall 30% price crash stretched over 6 days, exactly at Mercury’s stationary retrograde moment. That is worthy of noting, because it means that we should look out for future events when Mercury is scheduled to again go retrograde, and can now theoretically predict them as potential times of repeated price dips or at least major volatility, one way or the other. The December 2017 ATH bull run was another perfect example of major volatility during a Mercury retrograde phase, although with slightly different price movement. Still the overall conclusion is the same: Bitcoin price explodes either up or down during the three predictable Mercury retrograde phases that occur each year, lasting three weeks each time. Admittedly there wasn’t as much volatility in April and August 2017, which were also Mercury retrograde dates, but for the past year, on the four exact events of Mercury retrograde, Bitcoin price has exploded, up as well as down in the bull run of December 2017, and down in the three bear market phases of 2018. This November crash has been the most obvious confirmation for me of this correlation. Is there any validity in this hypothesis? I don’t know for sure. It’s all still new in theory and may need further observation during future Mercury retrograde times, the next of which is 5-28 March 2019. But I would watch this theory if you can and use it for future timing of your trades. Generally external sentiment is more of a traditional factor affecting price action in any stock or asset market, as well as global fundamentals or world events in finance and economics. For example the trade war between USA and China, or the Brexit dilemma may openly affect price action on exchanges around the world, both traditional and crypto, but this Mercury retrograde correlation is something totally esoteric by comparison. It’s more of a timing marker. I mean what is the connection between cosmic astronomical events and global markets? There is none really – that we know of. However there seems to be more than just a coincidence here, which means to me that we should really keep an open mind and awareness of a potential bigger picture than what we currently use to describe our reality in general. It is very healthy to always allow for an unknown variable in trading and in life. Actually we should challenge your unconscious minds to seek out new variables, and we should be willing to take risks. These are some secrets to success in the game.
Meditate your way to success
Another somewhat esoteric but clearly helpful addition to any digital nomad, global trader or modern millennial is the science and art of mindfulness, meditation and neuroplasticity, a subject of interest to me personally. If we reflect that the Cryptocurrency market has lost 83% of its value this year, since the peak of January, a little meditation therapy might be in order. Besides that, the current Mercury retrograde period is supposed to be good for redoing things so let’s use this time to rewire our brains. The neural networks are all reprogrammable and weaveable into different new threads all the time. Adaptability is one of our best assets. It allows us to reconsider perspectives upon new information. Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman leader and philosopher said in his Meditations, learn to fight the autonomous loop in the mind. We need to get rid of any old programmes or patterns wired in our brains, and create new neural pathways and constructs about ourselves, our perception of ourselves and reality. He also said harness objectivity through another pair of eyes. These are both traits that can really assist traders when making a life out of trading the markets. If we can think outside the box of our current neural framework or perspective, we can build a new perspective for ourselves, write a new smart contract. The third suggestion from Marcus Aurelius is to de-clutter the mind...of old paradigms and of unwanted noise. The market is full of it and most of price action is trivial, especially at the lower time frames. It is better to keep an eye on the monthly, weekly and daily price charts to get a clearer perspective. Amazingly it’s not the conscious ego-based mind that does the successful work in life or trading. It’s the unconscious higher mind. The conscious ego simply desires . By stilling the conscious mind through meditation we can reprogramme the unconscious with more appropriate perspectives of ourselves and outcomes we desire.
Does that mean by meditating on seeing Bitcoin price moon, I can affect the charts? Maybe, after all science has proven that observation affects the outcome of the experiment. But more importantly meditation and rewriting new neural patterns or programmes for our mind to wire, are possible by the virtue of neuroplasticity and will result in a happier, satisfied, more actualised you, who is ready to trade his or her plan, having planned their trade. And planned their life. I’m using my meditation times to visualise myself making loads of profits from skilled Bitcoin trading, while flying the world like a digital nomad of the crypto era. What’s your vision for yourself? Meditate on it daily for a few minutes and gradually, within a month or so, you will wire that new potential and perspective of yourself into your neural networks and your unconscious will do the rest. It will seek out and bring you to your new state of mind. It will realise your vision. Load the software and run the new programme. When it becomes more like fun than hard work, you will be on the right track. It’s the whole brain, including the right hemisphere that is involved in the best expression of ourselves. When we realise ourselves as receivers of results, not just doers, or even givers in life, then we are in the more receptive frame of mind to allow the higher self or unconscious mind to provide the results that the ego mind desires. So price may fall but we don’t depend on price for success. The goal is already there. We are mooning, only time is separating us. Here it comes... Whether it’s correlated to the end of Mercury’s retrograde phase in the next week on 6 December, we shall observe and report.

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