How to Confirm a Pending or Stuck BItcoin Transaction

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Whenever you send someone Bitcoins, the transaction goes through different computers running the Bitcoin protocol around the world that make sure the transaction is valid. Once the transaction is verified it then “waits” inside the Mempool (i.e. in some sort of a “limbo” state). It’s basically waiting to be picked up by a Bitcoin miner and entered into a block of transaction on the Blockchain. Until it is picked up it’s considered an “unconfirmed transaction” or a “pending transaction”. A new block of transactions in added to the Blockchain every 10 minutes on average. However since there are so many transactions lately due to the price increase, and a block can only hold a finite amount of transactions, not all transactions are picked instantly. So you need to wait for a certain amount of time until a miner decided to pick your transaction out of all of those sitting around in the mempool.

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There is a way to speed up, a bit, a transaction, to receive the first confirmation, and every BTC sender, can submit the TX id of his transaction that want to speed up at the top of the hour (Eg. 10:00, 11:00 12:00 etc.) using viabtc.

i will help you to push tx (transaction acceleration ) i'm bitcoin miner I will include your tx in the block working on 24/7 ,Try our service contact info :
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