Petition to Amazon is to lead to Bitcoin and Litecoin acceptance.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

An Amazon customer has launched a petition at asking the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin as a payment method.

It is not only with Bitcoin and Litecoin to be able to pay, but above all to the signal effect, which would have a crypt-currency acceptance Amazons. Up until now, Amazon has opposed to accepting bitcoin. Correspondingly, it is hoped that the public pressure Amazon will change its thinking.

Bitcoin is gaining acceptance worldwide, especially in Japan. In over 260,000 shops you can already pay with Bitcoin. But also other e-commerce platforms, such as the largest online retailer of Russia, Ulmart, rely on the acceptance of Bitcoin.

At present more than 3000 people have signed the petition. If you want to support the petition, you can do this here: 2017-06-24 um 18.17.31.png

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Hope it does some effect. As this would be like the 10th time a similar petition gets sent to Amazon. I just help myself by signing the petition 👍

My dream is to have 500 dollars falling on my head T.T