Introducing Stacy Herbert of Keiser Report

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

I know, I know, I'm supposed to insert a photo here of me with a sign saying something like, "this is me, blah blah, and yes, I'm real, blah blah," but that will come later today or tomorrow. Instead, I think this picture tells more than the thousand words I'd like to tell you. Max Keiser just pulled it from his archives. Hadn't ever seen it til last night:


That's at the very first bitcoin conference in Prague in November 2011. Not sure what the fiat price of bitcoin was, but somewhere around $3-7 USD, I reckon. There had been the infamous 10,000 BTC pizza meetup in New York a few weeks earlier, but, if I recall correctly, that wasn't really a conference conference. Not that this was a 'normal' conference either for it was organised by the one and only Amir Taaki. Most on Steemit probably know who he is but many newbies to bitcoin don't. He was a very, very early adopter of bitcoin and was mining it on Jaromil's laptop in a squat in Amsterdam at like 10 cents. Amir was an early contributor to the core bitcoin code and basically invented BIP and loads of other stuff in crypto (google him). He's recently been in Syria helping the Rojava in their fight against ISIS but had gone their to learn from their economic model. Hopefully, we'll see him return to the bitcoin space soon but I reckon much of it is a bit too corporate for this original cypherpunk.

At this original bitcoin conference in Prague, I remember getting locked out of my MtGox account! Too many people had logged on from same IP address. LOL. It pissed me off so much that I closed my account!! Phew. I still have the emails somewhere between me and Mark Karpeles. Lucky me.

My thoughts on the evolution of the bitcoin space, which is now the crypto space, coming soon.

(Signed, Stacy)

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I love Steemit. Probably because I watch Keiser Report and that Max Keiser dude is always banging on about it. :D

Great to see you here, I'm following you and Stacy...

BIG FAN, Warm Welcome to Steem!

Had to watch that classic again...

Kind of cold in NY

has max mentioned steemit on RT yet at all??

He's done some interviews with a few steemit users. One guy was talking about how he made $15,000 with he's first post. I can't remember the guys name though?

No mention yet but I expect that will change very soon. I watch the show daily for the laughs and information. Max and Stacy are a perfect couple.

Oh boy - high of $46, those were the days... Was this the first time they mentioned it?

So if Max was a Bitcoin millionaire back then must be doing pretty well now, not included inevitable big Ethereum investments they must have made along the way. If only I'd know about Max and Stacy back then. I was into the original version of Ripple in 2006, but lost track while I was busy working until late 2013. Then I was into Ethereum before they launched but somehow missed the ICO and got in late. But hey, it's all good and didn't lose my shirt with MtGox (but lost a sock or two with Cryptsy, boo hiss).

I did know Max and Stacy back then. I was around when he launched MAX COIN and START COIN (both still going), I was watching when he had Reggie Middleton on talking about Veritaseum and how it was going to change the world. Being deaf is terrible.

Classic clip. $4 for a Bitcoin lol Welcome to steemit @keiserreport good to see you guys here.

Everyone loves M&S, what a couple. The questions is what happens to the Max Keiser Show if Max gets elected, does it become the Stacy Keiser show or will Max be double jobbing?

Ha. Stay tuned . . .

I'd tune in for the laughs alone.

Thanks for the post Stacy! :)
I posted an intro to get you followers last night and hopefully it helps in bringing up your account reputation. You two are awesome and Steemit welcomes you! :)

They both made fun of our constitution , and made comments about us being doped up on cough medicine ⁉️Were also a bunch of gun nuts to them ⁉️Look it up ❗️They're secret Zionist IN MY OPINION❗️And I don't give a shit how cute Stacy is her fucked up state of Connecticut is due to collapse , but you don't hear her say it ❓TRAITORS ‼️🖕🏼

Welcome to steemit

Nice to 'meet' you Stacy / @keiserreport! Really pleased to see you two on here. I have to admit, most of the 'famous' people on here are either famous on Steemit, coming from a YouTube, Instagram or Twitter following etc But you are the first people from a significant other platform I have seen, so far, to see the value of getting your spot in place in what could be the future of Social Media. Look forward to seeing what you get up to on here and glad to know you can be making direct crypto for your content.... I doubt other sites have been so kind. See you around! @ecoknowme

Hey, thanks for that. You'll see more of us here. Makes more sense than using Twitter. Our kind of crypto community here. \o/

Right on! And look forward to replacing the Economy with something more sensible, together with you all, as things move forward. Steem on!

So glad you're here Steeming with us! It's hard to find clear, concise, financial/economic information that can be trusted. Upvoted, Following, and looking forward to your insight. Thanks for being here:)

Hope you enjoy it. I'm wondering if we should create a play crypto portfolio and see how long it takes us to run it into the ground or send it to the moon . . . and keep you posted here?

Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Yes, Amir still chimes in on certain forums and email lists. Mostly philosophical statements and challenges.

Tell Amir that we say hello! I miss having him around. We tried interviewing him recently but he was using a dodgy wifi connection so didn't work out.

I recognize Keiser's influence on that UCLA look. Good to see you on Steemit. I wish Steemit was easy to use like Facebook but I'm posting as much as I can on it now. I even bought some STEEM on Poloniex to send to Steemit but the wallet is down. I'm practicing storing Bitcoins in my brain now. Hope you are having fun.

Yeah, it's taking awhile to figure out, but much better than Facebook. (And 'UCLA look' . . . lol)

Welcome to Steemit Stacy! I love your show with Max

holy shit 2011 bitcoin conference !

thats awesome that max and stacey are here!!!!

Please stacey you MUST talk abouyt steemit on Russia Today! And mention how Golos is a steem fork for russians! and it follows those russian laws about needing to host sites in russia bevause golos witnesses are all in russia hosted on russian servers so its al good

please stacey we BEG of you to interact with us!!!!

LOL. Okay, I will try. \o/

Hey my friend Kevin got to meet you in New york when you guys did your Exorcism of Jaime Daimon .

You are an ideal woman, any woman that likes finance is going to be a winner, u should get more girls to be like you, max kaiser is a Hero to us and yiou guys are very funny together

You guys are relationship Goals

LOL. Those are very good goals to have!


u better know a lot about linux with that name of yours!

Lol! I actually dont, but my husband loves it and we decided to name our son that! 😁

Will be looking forward to your post tommorrow 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

whoop whoop, it looks like everyone is coming over to steemit

You keep Max balanced on the Keiser Report. He tends to get a little out of control until you reel him in,,,,or distract him. Nice to have you on Steemit.

LOL. Thanks. (And so true!)

I do too!

Thanks Stacy, this is a side of you we don't get to see on the Kaiser Report (not just the photo).

There's a group of people here that seem to be drawn more to the written word than the sound bite videos. I hope you have the time to share more this way.

Thanks. Yeah, it's hard to pack stuff into the 12.45 minutes we have for our first half. That's not much time. Fun to post more elaborate stuff here. I was so excited to see this image from Prague. It kind of looks like a surveillance photo though . . . so I do wonder where Max found it?

Hmm, grainy photo from 2011, I'm gonna guess a flip phone. ;-)

So nice to see the Keiser Report here in steemit!

Welcome aboard Stacy! I hope you have the best of time here.

Hi Stacy! You've replied to me on Twitter a few times over the years! Trying to move away from the corporate sites like Twitter, Google/You Tube, etc. With all that's been going on re: censorship recently hopefully Steemit can be my new home.

Welcome on board @keiserreport, it is just amazing to see how many great people are joining the ship! The future of Steemit looks great!

One of the reasons for me studying a degree in Philosphy,Politcs and Ecnomics was due to watching your program and wanting to learn more. Funny enough I have now got my degree and worse off (not in terms of university fees) but the trajectory my life took post degree. The neo liberal crap fed to haves you believe you walk out university onto streets of gold however to unashamedly quote on of my own songs I "inhaled shit and competitiveness"

I'm going to assume you went to Oxford - I read Physics there, but in my later life I think PPE would be a great follow up to a hard science degree. But at the time I don't think I was mature enough to approach PPE objectively. When I took some economics courses a few years ago, this was after I'd had my own epiphany and subsequent enlightenment about how the world works, I think it was more "aha, so this is how they want us to believe the world works".

Hey sorry only saw this comment now , unfortunatly I went to the Open University and did my degree part time and pretty much online , writing monthly essays and attended a weekly tutorial. Thankfully this meant that I was able to get a degree (the first one in my family) and not pay out of my asshole. Would love to do a degree in physics but my maths is rather basic. Although Im sure like most things its about understanding concepts over be apt at maths.

Bienvenidos! Saludos desde Mexico :D


Great stuff, as always! You are a great team! I agree with the above ...Max needs a straight to speak! Love and Peace, Melissa

Bitcoin to $ 100000

I am very happy to see you both here. Like many others I am sure, It was through your foresight and passion that I caught the crypto train. Finally can show some appreciation back to you.

Hello @speda

Im so happy youre here!

I love Stacy! And this is an awesome post that made me smile .. love Amir Taaki too!


I stopped watching them both for saying that constitutionalist were a bunch of doped up gun nuts ⁉️🚫✋️

Looking forward to you and Max posting here on Steemit. I think you will find a receptive audience. ;-)

Like sooooo many others, I somehow stumbled onto your show, and from there onto Bitcoin , and immediately tumbled (and still tumbling) down that ever expanding rabbit hole ever since! Bitcoin is the black hole at the center of the mother-of-all Venn diagrams!

You guys have helped change the world by expanding the minds of huge tracks of land people giving them a path [through the swamp] to a truly better future.

Welcome to Steemit Stacy.... you rock so hard you will probably be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. LOL

Wow. Rock n Roll Hall of Fame would be so awesome. I once met a friend of Anita Pallenberg who said I reminded her of Anita. Her attitude she said. Obviously not as attractive, okay, that's a given, but that was my favourite compliment ever. So thanks for tickling my secret happy.

I am a huge fan!! Max was one of the first people I was listening to who talked about Bitcoin. He jumped into a cab on periscope and someone commented about startcoin so I got some! That was my third crypto. A year later, I'm very grateful for what you both do! I enjoy your show very much.

Hi Stacy, I wanted to say somewhere / somehow to the Keiser Report that the recent interview with John Titus was great and packed a real punch. The previous one just didn't do it. All The Plenary's Men is a great documentary film and a movie I enjoy for it's classy production in it's own right . It was good to learn that there is forthcoming part to the trilogy. Big hello to all xoxoxo

Welcome aboard Stacy. Looking forward to your posts.
Upvoted and following.

good on Stacy - i have been sharing the KR on Steemit and will leave it up to you now - glad you made it here - i am following and upvoting too -David

@keiserreport good morning stacey and welcome to steemit.
i am new to this community myself.
wish u all the best :)

Hi Max and Stacy.
The Dynamic Duo !!
All the best :))

We are too Glad to see you ( the best cryptocouple in the world ) in steemit.

I think a new era is here in steemit , i wish for you the Best future. 1 more follower :)

LOL. Thanks.

It's great to have you on Steemit, Stacy and Max!

Thanks! This is the most amazing community I've ever encountered!

Great to see your recent posts on Steemit Stacy. Keep posting and Steem on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

After the post by @transisto I did a bit of searching I found this May 31st 2011 Keiser Report E151 where Jon Matonis is on explaining about Bitcoin and the price of BTC was $6 or $7. AFAIK it is the first time they talked about Bitcoin on the show, it's history in the making!

However, in case you're kicking yourself about the lost opportunity to make 500x on your money, ask yourself how much you would have invested back then to buy BTC? Especially when buying BTC would involve person to person exchanges with cash in hand, or wiring funds to some pretty shady exchanges in remote countries (my experience in 2013 was other than Coinbase it was also about the same then).

More likely you would have been mining it - I don't know how easy it was back then. I'm going to guess GPU mining was already a thing and predominant. So with a top end video card how much would you have been able to mine monthly? Would someone have amassed hundreds of BTC casually mining at home like that? Or would it also have required investing a small fortune in mining hardware and electricity just as it does now? And if you had $7,000 to invest in hardware back then I guess you could have just bought and held (oh so patiently) and now be a multi-millionaire anyway.

Anyway, you can say whatever you want about the show, or Max and Stacy, but don't ever say they didn't tell you about Bitcoin. Time after time after time!

We actually ended up getting so so much hate after that episode! Because the price 'crashed' to $3 and people (trolls) claimed they 'lost their life savings' after buying some at $6. I know many of those sort of posts are just trolls feigning despair but it does make me laugh when you look over at the price now.

I am so happy you are here!!! Huge fan and can't wait to read your posts and thoughts! Cheers

Hi! I have an online magazine about cryptos in spanish, and want to ask your permission to translate this bio intro to present you and Max to our audience. It's possible? Thanks in advance! Here the magazine:

Big Hug from Heart from Barcelona!
Do you want to come to Spain with Max this year?

Maybe I can organize a conference if you are interested :)


Vote and follow me please

Love it :)

That's amazing! Thank you! Keep going! I am following you.

You are great!

Congratulations @keiserreport!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 9 with $ 214,15


Hello Stacy, welcome to Steem! :-)

Keep up the great shows guys

It was a blessing you got out of MtGox Stacy no one could have predicted that debacle so many people got screwed. But again id like to offer you a warm welcome to Steemit and thanks for following me again. Twitter has become a censorship paradise Jack must have read 1984 and said oh that's a good idea to control information! :)

Welcome to Steemit! An easier option for verifying your identity would be to simply tweet a link to your profile here from your verified account. I would accomplish the same goal. Love your work, glad to see you here.

Thanks for Share! like your post and love it!

Hello steemit ,follow me

I'm one of the people who had the opportunity to buy BTC at 0.003, but decided it was too risky, and didn't!🤤🙈

Love Max, he is always sticking a finger in the eye of the NWO, welcome and following!

Good memories. Like to see more posts about this.

Okay, I'll try to remember. Doesn't the saying go something like, "if you remember early bitcoin, you weren't there?" . . . :D

Glad to have you aboard! I could ask you so many questions about the fascinating RT.

So nice

Great to see you both here on Steemit - Love you both :D

It is awesome to have you on the platform! I think you are going to love it here. I know we will love having you.

Thanks. I love it so far . . . shocked at how cool the community is. Had no idea . . . where have you been hiding??

Wow, wellcome Stacy.

Watching you on RT always. Great programs.

Wow RESPECT!!! Its so amazing to be among the early adopters

Great to have you here Stacy! I think Max got fed some FUD about Steem before but I hope to see you both post here more.

Thanks for the post

lucky you, I love to learn how to make cryptocurrency, may be i can learn more in steemit community, thx a lot

Welcome to steemit..follow back plz

oh my gad bitcoin=more than 2000

great articke on bitcoin.

welcome to steemit @keiserreport nice to meets you

Hi Stacy and welcome. You know much more than I do about bitcoin. Left me with a few things to research. Which I am on to. 🐓🐓

Finally! We're gaining Steem and it's great to get more of your content :) Also tell Max I said HELLO I'll be tagging him in a song I wrote that's dedicated to you guys.. soon! You've got my support!

Cool. Can't wait to hear it.

Wow. Welcome Stacy. I've been a fan of the Keiser Report for many years. Cheers @keiserreport!

Wow this is very extraordinary, this post is very interesting to know. And deserve a lot of votes. Keep making interesting posts so that your name is more familiar in this steemit ..
Visit also my blog @bangjal look at my content, and help me to grow and make a neat post like you. I vote in your postings even though my voice is not as great as the great whales who voted for you. But I am sure one day if I will keep trying I will definitely get what I want and can give a meaningful voice for others :)

This is a very interesting post to read, Thanks @keiserreport

Nice to see you to see you nice. Great to have M&S on Steemit. Soon I can abandon Youtube for good. hApPy dAyS.

Yeah. We don't post anything of our homemade content to YouTube. Not worth time or energy.

Good to hear. Hopefully, Steemit can slay the dragon. I forgot to say great story, Stacy.

hi, i would really appreciate an upvote. But first, i would silcerely invite you to read by posts, i'm very excited and looking to share inspiration>:D<

me gusta steemit buen post!!!!!

Welcome to steemit

Welcome @keiserreport. I like your post.

Great to have you guys onboard, Stacy and Max! Let's sail this ship together :D

Steemit yes yes. Please Upvote, Follow or Resteem.
Thank you

Nice post sir......Thanks for share ....can someone upvote me and follow me ? I am a new user.... So plz help me...

Welcome to steemit Stacey!!! Keiser report is one of the very few we watch in the house, otherwise it's Supernatural.

Love love you and Max!

I like steemit
The more studied the more like to steemit, I include people who just know steemit, it turns out steemit can spill my idea ideas that have long been stored in my mind
Greeting steemit

I'm glad you didn't get GOX'ed Stacy!

Same here. Also, we warned people to get out exactly three months before it happened. Google it. There was entire episode of Keiser Report we made about it.

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