in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrency is plunging amid fear and worry over its future.
Bitcoin has fallen nearly 10 per cent over the day, from an already low point over the last week. It's now fallen to nearly $9,000, a long way from the nearly $20,000 landmark it almost hit in December.

On Tuesday Chinese authorities reiterated their commitment to cracking down on bitcoin, and South Korean regulators are pushing forward a bill that will put a stop to crypto trading in Korea.

South Korea added new rules on how bitcoin can be traded which also resulted to a drop. After a suggestion that the activity could be banned entirely, the government relented but still added a host of regulations, including forcing everyone trading bitcoin to do so using their real name.

And every other major cryptocurrency – including Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash – is also falling.
Many of them are experiencing more dramatic swings even than bitcoin: Ripple has dropped nearly 14 per cent over the day, after being hit by its own slides over the last week as reported.

The falling price comes amid a range of different problems. Each would likely have dragged the price down on its own but they have added up to a nearly record-breaking weak performance over the last few weeks.

This week, for example, Facebook announced that it would be banning all cryptocurrency advertisement on its website. The marketing was being used too much to advertise scams and frauds, it said, and it would be freezing all such content entirely, denting the reputation of digital currencies worldwide.

There have also been a range of high-profile heists and hacks in recent days. Chief among them was the Coincheck hack, which saw cyber criminals steal the equivalent of $534 million in cryptocurrency, but bitcoin traders in rural England have also been the subject of attempted robbery.

It has also been predicted that top governments are fighting bitcoin in order to protect the value of their currency and Federal Reserve in printing currency

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So is there any good news for us cryptos?

let's be hopeful for a turn around and possibly diversify investment.